Suggestion of 16th and 17th Century Poetry

3rd Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা ২০২5 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

Suggestion of 16th and 17th Century Poetry

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Part – C

Edmund Spenser

  1. *** Find out the epic and romantic qualities in The Faerie Queene.
  2. *** Discuss The Faerie Queen as an allegory/ symbolism and allusion.
  3. Describe the fighting scene/encounter between the Knight and Monster Error.
  4. The character/role of Lady Una/ Knight/Archimago.

John Donne

  1. *** Discuss Donne’s treatment of love in his poems/metaphysical love poet.
  2. *** How does Donne blend passion and thought in his poems?
  3. Discuss conceits and wit in Donne’s poems.
  4. Write a Critical Appreciation of The Rising Sun.
  5. Write a Critical Appreciation of A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.

George Herbert

  1. *** Write Herbert as a metaphysical poet/use of metaphysical conceit in his poem.
  2. *** Write a Critical Appreciation on The Collar/Easter Wings.
  3. Comment on the spiritual conflict in Herbert’s poem The Collar.

John Milton

  1. *** Describe the Hell scene/give a description of Hell.
  2. *** Describe the significance of Satan’s first speech.
  3. *** Evaluate Paradise Lost as an epic/find our epic quality.
  4. Discuss Satan as a renaissance character.
  5. Write a short note on the character of Beelzebub.

Andrew Marvell

  1. *** Comment on Marvel as a metaphysical poet.
  2. *** Critical Appreciation of The Definition of Love.
  3. Critical Appreciation of To His Coy Mistress.

Part – B

The Faerie Queene

  1. What is allegory/religious allegory?
  2. What is the allegorical significance of the encounter between the Knight and Archimago?
  3. What is the significance of vomiting by the monster Error?
  4. How the Knight had his victory over the monster error?
  5. How Archimago fails in his intrigue against the Knight and Lady Una?
  6. In what sense is Spenser a pictorial artist?
  7. ‘Spenser’s heroines are idealized type of women in real life’- discuss.
  8. Write a short note on the Spenserian stanza.
  9. Who is the Red Cross Knight? Give your impressions of the Knight.
  10. Who is monster Error? Describe the fight between the monster error and the Red Cross Knight.
  11. What is the allegorical significance of the fight between the Monster and the Knight?
  12. Who is Archimago? Describe the encounter between the Knight and Archimago.
  13. Describe the character and role of Archimago.
  14. Why The Faerie Queene is called a romantic epic?
  15. What impression of Lady Una do you have of The Faerie Queene?
  16. Write a short note on Gloriana.

John Donne

  1. Write a short note on the salient features of Metaphysical poetry.
  2. Why is the love between the poet and his beloved compared to the Phoenix Riddle?
  3. Explain the conceit of twin compasses.
  4. How does Donne discard/refute the pride of death as a mighty and dreadful power?
  5. What kind of relation Donne wants to establish with God in the sonnet, “Batter my…..God.”
  6. Write a short note on Unified Sensibility in Metaphysical Poetry.
  7. What is conceit? Write a note on metaphysical conceits.
  8. Trace the metaphysical qualities in the poetry of John Donne.
  9. Why and how does the poet rebuke the sun in the poem The Sun Rising?
  10. What do you mean by the Petrarchan tradition of love / of woman worship?
  11. Write a short note on Donne’s use of Conceits in his love poems.
  12. How does Donne differ from the Petrarchan tradition in his love poetry?
  13. Write a short note on Metaphysical conceit.
  14. Describe the spiritual quality of love in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.
  15. What is the idea of the poet about the immortality of the soul in Death Be Not Proud?

Andrew Marvell

  1. What is the role of Time in human life?
  2. How does Marvel differentiate love in The Definition of Love/ True love and false love?
  3. What is the nature of love between the poet and his beloved in The Definition of Love?
  4. What do you mean by the ‘Carp-Diem’ theme?
  5. What role is played by fate in The Definition of Love?
  6. In what ways does the poem To His Coy Mistress look like a syllogism?
  7. How does Marvel treat time and fate in his poems?
  8. Trace the Petrarchan/Elizabethan elements in To His Coy Mistress.
  9. Discuss Marvel as a metaphysical poet.

George Herbert

  1. What do you know about Anglicanism?
  2. How was George Herbert associated with Anglicanism/the church of England?
  3. What is the significance of larks flying upwards in the poem Easter Wings?
  4. What spiritual conflict does Herbert reveal in the poem The Collar?
  5. How does Herbert want to celebrate Christ’s victory over death?
  6. Write a note on Herbert’s use of metaphysical conceits.
  7. How does Herbert deplore the loss of worldly life in The Collar?
  8. What arguments does Herbert place to recover his loss of worldly pleasure in The Collar?
  9. How is Herbert reconciled with God after a course of rebellion against Him?
  10. Enlighten the religious aspect of complete submission to God in the poem The Collar?
  11. Comment on Herbert’s spiritual conflict.

John Milton

  1. Describe the cosmology of Paradise Lost.
  2. How does Milton invoke the Heavenly Muse at the beginning of his epic?
  3. Discuss the characteristics of Milton’s blank-verse
  4. Write a note on Milton’s use of epic similes in Paradise Lost.
  5. Describe the leadership qualities in the character of Satan.
  6. Describe Satan as a leader with Renaissance quality.
  7. How does Satan welcome his dwelling in hell?
  8. Give a description of hell in Paradise Lost.
  9. How did Satan try to revive /rouse Beelzebub form his stupefied condition in Hell?
  10. How does Satan call his legion to action?
  11. Describe how Moloch became a cruel pagan god?
  12. What are the characteristic features of Belial?
  13. Who was Mulciber? What role did he play among the fallen angels?
  14. Is Satan the hero of Paradise Lost?
  15. Comment on the treatment on the Fallen Angels.


Previous Questions

Question of 2022

16th and 17th century poetry 1
16th and 17th century poetry 2

Question of 2021

16th and 17th Century Poetry 1
16th and 17th Century Poetry 2

Question of 2020

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের।

Part – C

  1. Describe the fighting scene/encounter between the Knight and Monster Error.
  2. The character/role of Lady Una/ Knight/ Archimago.
  3. Discuss The Faerie Queen as an allegory.

  1. Write a Critical Appreciation on The Rising Sun.
  2. Write a Critical Appreciation on A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
  3. Discuss Donne’s treatment of love in his poems/metaphysical love poet.

  1. Write a note on the use of metaphysical conceit in Herbert’s poem.
  2. Write a Critical Appreciation on The Collar/Easter Wings.

  1. Write a short note on Beelzebub.
  2. Describe the Hell scene/give a description of Hell.
  3. Describe the significance of Satan’s first speech,

  1. Critical Appreciation of The Definition of Love
  2. Critical Appreciation of To His Coy Mistress
  3. Describe Marvel as a love poet/treatment of love.

Part – B

The Faerie Queene

  1. what is allegory/religious allegory?
  2. What is the allegorical significance of the encounter between the Knight and Archimago?
  3. Who is Morpheus? Describe his house in the underworld.
  4. What is the significance of vomiting by the monster Error?
  5. How the Knight had his victory over the monster error?
  6. How Archimago fails in his intrigue against the Knight and Lady Una?
  7. How does Lady Una inspire the Knight?
  8. In what sense is Spenser a pictorial artist?
  9. Write a short note on the Spenserian stanza.
  10. Who is the Red Cross Knight? Give your impressions of the Knight.
  11. Who is monster Error? Describe the fight between the monster error and the Red Cross Knight.
  12. What is the allegorical significance of the fight between the Monster and the Knight?
  13. Who is Archimago? Describe the encounter between the Knight and Archimago.
  14. Why The Faerie Queene is called a romantic epic?
  15. What impression of Lady Una do you have of The Faerie Queene?
  16. Write a short note on Gloriana.

John Donne

  1. Write a short note on the salient features of Metaphysical poetry.
  2. Why is the love between the poet and his beloved compared to the Phoenix Riddle?
  3. Explain the conceit of twin compasses.
  4. How does Donne discard/refute the pride of death as a mighty and dreadful power?
  5. What kind of relation Donne wants to establish with God in the sonnet, “Batter my…..God.”
  6. Write a short note on Unified Sensibility in Metaphysical Poetry.
  7. Trace the metaphysical qualities in the poetry of John Donne.
  8. Why and how does the poet rebuke the sun in the poem The Sun Rising?
  9. What do you mean by the Petrarchan tradition of love / of woman worship?
  10. Write a short note on Donne’s use of Conceits in his love poems.
  11. How does Donne differ from the Petrarchan tradition in his love poetry?
  12. Write a short note on Metaphysical conceit.
  13. Describe the spiritual quality of love in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.
  14. What is the idea of the poet about the immortality of the soul in Death Be Not Proud?

Andrew Marvell

  1. What is the role of Time in human life?
  2. How does Marvel differentiate love in The Definition of Love/ True love and false love?
  3. What is the nature of love between the poet and his beloved in The Definition of Love?
  4. What do you mean by the ‘Carp-Diem’ theme?
  5. What role is played by fate in The Definition of Love?
  6. In what ways does the poem To His Coy Mistress look like a syllogism?
  7. Trace the Petrarchan/Elizabethan elements in To His Coy Mistress.
  8. How does Marvell propose to his beloved to enjoy life in To His Coy Mistress?
  9. How can the poet and his beloved be canonized by love?

George Herbert

  1. What do you know about Anglicanism?
  2. How was George Herbert associated with Anglicanism/the church of England?
  3. What is the significance of larks flying upwards in the poem Easter Wings?
  4. What spiritual conflict does Herbert reveal in the poem The Collar?
  5. How does Herbert want to celebrate Christ’s victory over death?
  6. Write a note on Herbert’s use of metaphysical conceits.
  7. How does Herbert deplore the loss of worldly life in The Collar?
  8. What arguments does Herbert place to recover his loss of worldly pleasure in The Collar?
  9. How is Herbert reconciled with God after a course of rebellion against Him?
  10. Enlighten the religious aspect of complete submission to God in the poem The Collar?
  11. Define Herbert’s relationship with God.

John Milton

  1. Describe the cosmology of Paradise Lost.
  2. How does Milton invoke the Heavenly Muse at the beginning of his epic?
  3. Discuss the characteristics of Milton’s blank-verse
  4. Write a note on Milton’s use of epic similes in Paradise Lost.
  5. Describe the leadership qualities in the character of Satan.
  6. What are the epic qualities of Paradise Lost?
  7. What evil design do you find in Satan’s Character?
  8. How does Satan welcome his dwelling in hell?
  9. Give a description of hell in Paradise Lost.
  10. How did Satan try to revive /rouse Beelzebub form his stupefied condition in Hell?
  11. How does Satan call his legion to action?
  12. Describe how Moloch became a cruel pagan god?
  13. What are the characteristic features of Belial?
  14. Who was Mulciber? What role did he play among the fallen angels?

Suggestion of 2020, 3rd Year

Part – C

  1. Comment on Spenser’s treatment of Good and Evil.
  2. Describe the fighting scene between the Knight and Monster Error.
  3. The character of Lady Una/ Knight/ Archimago.
  4. Write a note on the use of metaphysical conceit in Donne’s poem.
  5. Write a Critical Appreciation on The Rising Sun.
  6. Write a note on the use of metaphysical conceit in Herbert’s poem.
  7. Write a Critical Appreciation on The Collar/Easter Wings.
  8. Characteristics of epic/ epic simile in paradise lost.
  9. Write a short note on Beelzebub.
  10. Describe the hell scene.
  11. Metaphysical qualities in Marvel poems.
  12. Critical Appreciation of The Definition of Love.
  13. Describe Marvel as a love poet.