3rd Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা ২০২5 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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Part – C
Edmund Spenser
- *** Find out the epic and romantic qualities in The Faerie Queene.
- *** Discuss The Faerie Queen as an allegory/ symbolism and allusion.
- Describe the fighting scene/encounter between the Knight and Monster Error.
- The character/role of Lady Una/ Knight/Archimago.
John Donne
- *** Discuss Donne’s treatment of love in his poems/metaphysical love poet.
- *** How does Donne blend passion and thought in his poems?
- Discuss conceits and wit in Donne’s poems.
- Write a Critical Appreciation of The Rising Sun.
- Write a Critical Appreciation of A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.
George Herbert
- *** Write Herbert as a metaphysical poet/use of metaphysical conceit in his poem.
- *** Write a Critical Appreciation on The Collar/Easter Wings.
- Comment on the spiritual conflict in Herbert’s poem The Collar.
John Milton
- *** Describe the Hell scene/give a description of Hell.
- *** Describe the significance of Satan’s first speech.
- *** Evaluate Paradise Lost as an epic/find our epic quality.
- Discuss Satan as a renaissance character.
- Write a short note on the character of Beelzebub.
Andrew Marvell
- *** Comment on Marvel as a metaphysical poet.
- *** Critical Appreciation of The Definition of Love.
- Critical Appreciation of To His Coy Mistress.
Part – B
The Faerie Queene
- What is allegory/religious allegory?
- What is the allegorical significance of the encounter between the Knight and Archimago?
- What is the significance of vomiting by the monster Error?
- How the Knight had his victory over the monster error?
- How Archimago fails in his intrigue against the Knight and Lady Una?
- In what sense is Spenser a pictorial artist?
- ‘Spenser’s heroines are idealized type of women in real life’- discuss.
- Write a short note on the Spenserian stanza.
- Who is the Red Cross Knight? Give your impressions of the Knight.
- Who is monster Error? Describe the fight between the monster error and the Red Cross Knight.
- What is the allegorical significance of the fight between the Monster and the Knight?
- Who is Archimago? Describe the encounter between the Knight and Archimago.
- Describe the character and role of Archimago.
- Why The Faerie Queene is called a romantic epic?
- What impression of Lady Una do you have of The Faerie Queene?
- Write a short note on Gloriana.
John Donne
- Write a short note on the salient features of Metaphysical poetry.
- Why is the love between the poet and his beloved compared to the Phoenix Riddle?
- Explain the conceit of twin compasses.
- How does Donne discard/refute the pride of death as a mighty and dreadful power?
- What kind of relation Donne wants to establish with God in the sonnet, “Batter my…..God.”
- Write a short note on Unified Sensibility in Metaphysical Poetry.
- What is conceit? Write a note on metaphysical conceits.
- Trace the metaphysical qualities in the poetry of John Donne.
- Why and how does the poet rebuke the sun in the poem The Sun Rising?
- What do you mean by the Petrarchan tradition of love / of woman worship?
- Write a short note on Donne’s use of Conceits in his love poems.
- How does Donne differ from the Petrarchan tradition in his love poetry?
- Write a short note on Metaphysical conceit.
- Describe the spiritual quality of love in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.
- What is the idea of the poet about the immortality of the soul in Death Be Not Proud?
Andrew Marvell
- What is the role of Time in human life?
- How does Marvel differentiate love in The Definition of Love/ True love and false love?
- What is the nature of love between the poet and his beloved in The Definition of Love?
- What do you mean by the ‘Carp-Diem’ theme?
- What role is played by fate in The Definition of Love?
- In what ways does the poem To His Coy Mistress look like a syllogism?
- How does Marvel treat time and fate in his poems?
- Trace the Petrarchan/Elizabethan elements in To His Coy Mistress.
- Discuss Marvel as a metaphysical poet.
George Herbert
- What do you know about Anglicanism?
- How was George Herbert associated with Anglicanism/the church of England?
- What is the significance of larks flying upwards in the poem Easter Wings?
- What spiritual conflict does Herbert reveal in the poem The Collar?
- How does Herbert want to celebrate Christ’s victory over death?
- Write a note on Herbert’s use of metaphysical conceits.
- How does Herbert deplore the loss of worldly life in The Collar?
- What arguments does Herbert place to recover his loss of worldly pleasure in The Collar?
- How is Herbert reconciled with God after a course of rebellion against Him?
- Enlighten the religious aspect of complete submission to God in the poem The Collar?
- Comment on Herbert’s spiritual conflict.
John Milton
- Describe the cosmology of Paradise Lost.
- How does Milton invoke the Heavenly Muse at the beginning of his epic?
- Discuss the characteristics of Milton’s blank-verse
- Write a note on Milton’s use of epic similes in Paradise Lost.
- Describe the leadership qualities in the character of Satan.
- Describe Satan as a leader with Renaissance quality.
- How does Satan welcome his dwelling in hell?
- Give a description of hell in Paradise Lost.
- How did Satan try to revive /rouse Beelzebub form his stupefied condition in Hell?
- How does Satan call his legion to action?
- Describe how Moloch became a cruel pagan god?
- What are the characteristic features of Belial?
- Who was Mulciber? What role did he play among the fallen angels?
- Is Satan the hero of Paradise Lost?
- Comment on the treatment on the Fallen Angels.
Previous Questions
Question of 2022

Question of 2021

Question of 2020

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের।
Part – C
- Describe the fighting scene/encounter between the Knight and Monster Error.
- The character/role of Lady Una/ Knight/ Archimago.
- Discuss The Faerie Queen as an allegory.
- Write a Critical Appreciation on The Rising Sun.
- Write a Critical Appreciation on A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
- Discuss Donne’s treatment of love in his poems/metaphysical love poet.
- Write a note on the use of metaphysical conceit in Herbert’s poem.
- Write a Critical Appreciation on The Collar/Easter Wings.
- Write a short note on Beelzebub.
- Describe the Hell scene/give a description of Hell.
- Describe the significance of Satan’s first speech,
- Critical Appreciation of The Definition of Love
- Critical Appreciation of To His Coy Mistress
- Describe Marvel as a love poet/treatment of love.
Part – B
The Faerie Queene
- what is allegory/religious allegory?
- What is the allegorical significance of the encounter between the Knight and Archimago?
- Who is Morpheus? Describe his house in the underworld.
- What is the significance of vomiting by the monster Error?
- How the Knight had his victory over the monster error?
- How Archimago fails in his intrigue against the Knight and Lady Una?
- How does Lady Una inspire the Knight?
- In what sense is Spenser a pictorial artist?
- Write a short note on the Spenserian stanza.
- Who is the Red Cross Knight? Give your impressions of the Knight.
- Who is monster Error? Describe the fight between the monster error and the Red Cross Knight.
- What is the allegorical significance of the fight between the Monster and the Knight?
- Who is Archimago? Describe the encounter between the Knight and Archimago.
- Why The Faerie Queene is called a romantic epic?
- What impression of Lady Una do you have of The Faerie Queene?
- Write a short note on Gloriana.
John Donne
- Write a short note on the salient features of Metaphysical poetry.
- Why is the love between the poet and his beloved compared to the Phoenix Riddle?
- Explain the conceit of twin compasses.
- How does Donne discard/refute the pride of death as a mighty and dreadful power?
- What kind of relation Donne wants to establish with God in the sonnet, “Batter my…..God.”
- Write a short note on Unified Sensibility in Metaphysical Poetry.
- Trace the metaphysical qualities in the poetry of John Donne.
- Why and how does the poet rebuke the sun in the poem The Sun Rising?
- What do you mean by the Petrarchan tradition of love / of woman worship?
- Write a short note on Donne’s use of Conceits in his love poems.
- How does Donne differ from the Petrarchan tradition in his love poetry?
- Write a short note on Metaphysical conceit.
- Describe the spiritual quality of love in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.
- What is the idea of the poet about the immortality of the soul in Death Be Not Proud?
Andrew Marvell
- What is the role of Time in human life?
- How does Marvel differentiate love in The Definition of Love/ True love and false love?
- What is the nature of love between the poet and his beloved in The Definition of Love?
- What do you mean by the ‘Carp-Diem’ theme?
- What role is played by fate in The Definition of Love?
- In what ways does the poem To His Coy Mistress look like a syllogism?
- Trace the Petrarchan/Elizabethan elements in To His Coy Mistress.
- How does Marvell propose to his beloved to enjoy life in To His Coy Mistress?
- How can the poet and his beloved be canonized by love?
George Herbert
- What do you know about Anglicanism?
- How was George Herbert associated with Anglicanism/the church of England?
- What is the significance of larks flying upwards in the poem Easter Wings?
- What spiritual conflict does Herbert reveal in the poem The Collar?
- How does Herbert want to celebrate Christ’s victory over death?
- Write a note on Herbert’s use of metaphysical conceits.
- How does Herbert deplore the loss of worldly life in The Collar?
- What arguments does Herbert place to recover his loss of worldly pleasure in The Collar?
- How is Herbert reconciled with God after a course of rebellion against Him?
- Enlighten the religious aspect of complete submission to God in the poem The Collar?
- Define Herbert’s relationship with God.
John Milton
- Describe the cosmology of Paradise Lost.
- How does Milton invoke the Heavenly Muse at the beginning of his epic?
- Discuss the characteristics of Milton’s blank-verse
- Write a note on Milton’s use of epic similes in Paradise Lost.
- Describe the leadership qualities in the character of Satan.
- What are the epic qualities of Paradise Lost?
- What evil design do you find in Satan’s Character?
- How does Satan welcome his dwelling in hell?
- Give a description of hell in Paradise Lost.
- How did Satan try to revive /rouse Beelzebub form his stupefied condition in Hell?
- How does Satan call his legion to action?
- Describe how Moloch became a cruel pagan god?
- What are the characteristic features of Belial?
- Who was Mulciber? What role did he play among the fallen angels?
Suggestion of 2020, 3rd Year
Part – C
- Comment on Spenser’s treatment of Good and Evil.
- Describe the fighting scene between the Knight and Monster Error.
- The character of Lady Una/ Knight/ Archimago.
- Write a note on the use of metaphysical conceit in Donne’s poem.
- Write a Critical Appreciation on The Rising Sun.
- Write a note on the use of metaphysical conceit in Herbert’s poem.
- Write a Critical Appreciation on The Collar/Easter Wings.
- Characteristics of epic/ epic simile in paradise lost.
- Write a short note on Beelzebub.
- Describe the hell scene.
- Metaphysical qualities in Marvel poems.
- Critical Appreciation of The Definition of Love.
- Describe Marvel as a love poet.