4th Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা 2025 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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Part – C
The Importance of Being Earnest.
- *** Discuss the wit and humor in The Importance of Being Earnest.
- *** Evaluate The Importance of Being Earnest as a social satire.
- *** Sketch the character of Lady Bracknell.
- Discuss the role and character of Jack Worthing.
Waiting for Godot
- *** Discuss the Waiting for Godot is the waiting for something unattainable. / Theme of nothingness/ presenting human condition.
- *** Discuss Waiting for Godot as an Absurd Drama.
- *** What religious significance do you find in Waiting for Godot?
- Discuss the concept of time and place.
The Caretaker
- *** Discuss The Caretaker is an absurd drama.
- *** Evaluate The Caretaker as a critique/representation of contemporary society.
- *** Justify the title / comic effect of The Caretaker.
- Discuss the theme of isolation from The Caretaker.
Look Back in Anger
- *** Discuss Jimmy as an anti-hero/role of Jimmy in the Play Look Back in Anger.
- *** How far is Jimmy Porter a spokesman of the Post-war youth in England / the post-war situation?
- *** Discuss the significance of the bear and squirrel in the play Look Back in Anger.
- Discuss the autobiographical elements in Look Back in Anger.
Part – B
The Importance of Being Earnest.
- Discuss the use of pun in the title of The Importance of Being Earnest.
- What are the sources of laughter in The Importance of Being Earnest?
- What are the reasons for Jack Worthing’s frequent visits to London?
- Is The Importance of Being Earnest is an anti-feminist?
- Trace the farcical absurdities in The Importance of Being Earnest.
- How is The Importance of Being Earnest is a comedy of dialogue?
- Comment on the treatment of love and marriage in The Importance of Being Earnest.
Waiting for Godot
- Write a short note on the Theatre of the Absurd.
- How Waiting for Godot is a play of existentialism?
- Describe the setting of Waiting for Godot.
- Justify Didi and Gogo as parts of a divided self.
- Discuss the significance of Pozzo and Lucky as a pair in Waiting for Godot.
- Show Waiting for Godot as a modern tragedy.
- Explain Becket’s view of the human condition as presented in Waiting for Godot.
- Why is Waiting for Godot considered to be an international drama?
- Comment on the use of time in Waiting for Godot.
- What do the characters of Waiting for Godot stand/symbolize?
- What does ‘Waiting’ signify in Waiting for Godot?
- Discuss the role of Lucky and Pozzo in Waiting for Godot.
- Discuss Beckett’s Waiting for Godot as a social satire.
The Caretaker
- What is the significance of the room in The Caretaker?
- How do Davies, Mick, and Aston exhibit their love for power in The Caretaker?
- Comment on the role of Davies in The Caretaker.
- How did Mick want to decorate his room?
- Why was Davies fired from his job at the Café?
- How The Caretaker is a comedy of menace?
- Discuss the elements of comedy or humor in The Caretaker.
- How does Davies represent Everyman?
- Discuss the character of Mick/Davies.
- Compare and contrast the character of Mike and Aston/ Davies-Aston relationship.
- Discuss The Caretaker is a drama of violence and menace.
- Write a short note on the theatre of absurd.
Look Back in Anger
- Jimmy Porter is a true representative of the post-war young generation- discuss.
- Why does Jimmy dislike religious practices?
- Discuss the beast imagery in Look Back in Anger.
- Do you think Jimmy Porter is a psychoneurotic?
- Write briefly about Jimmy’s social alienation.
- What makes Jimmy Porter angry in Look Back in Anger?
- Discuss the theme of class distinctions found in Look Back in Anger.
- Discuss Look Back in Anger as a play of class distinction.
- Why is Jimmy angry in Look Back in Anger..
Previous Questions
Question of 2022

Question of 2021

Part – C
- Discuss the wit and humor in The Importance of Being Earnest.
- Discuss the mystery and identity/character/role of Jack Worthing’s character.
- Discuss Importance of Being Earnest is a social satire/picture of upper-class society.
- Discuss the Waiting for Godot is the waiting for something unattainable.
- Discuss The Waiting for Godot as an Absurd Drama.
- Discuss Beckett as a social critic/Waiting for Godot as a social satire.
- What does ‘Waiting’ signify in Waiting for Godot?
- Discuss the role of Lucky and Pozzo in Waiting for Godot.
- Discuss The Caretaker is an absurd drama/a drama of violence and menace.
- Justify the title of The Caretaker.
- Discuss the theme of isolation from The Caretaker.
- How does The Caretaker represent contemporary society?
- Compare and contrast the character of Mike and Aston/ Davies-Aston relationship.
- Discuss the autobiographical elements in Look Back in Anger.
- Discuss Jimmy as an anti-hero/role of Jimmy in the Play Look Back in Anger.
- Discuss the significance of the bear and squirrel game in Look Back in Anger.
Question of 2020

Previous Suggestion
For 2020
- Discuss The Importance of Being Earnest is a social satire.
- Discuss the wit and humor in The Importance of Being Earnest.
- Discuss the treatment of love and marriage in The Importance of Being Earnest.
- Discuss the sense of nothingness from Waiting for Godot.
- Comment on the Religious significance in Waiting for Godot.
- Discuss the concept of Time and Place found in Waiting for Godot.
- Discuss The Caretaker is an absurd drama.
- Discuss the theme of isolation from The Caretaker.
- How does The Caretaker represent contemporary society?
- Discuss the comic effect in The Caretaker.
- How does Look Back in Anger show the post-war situation?
- Discuss the autobiographical elements in Look Back in Anger.