The exam will be held in 2024 (এটা ২০২৪ সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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Part- A:
Reading- 1
Read and have some ideas on the following topics for Passage-
Education, Necessity of English Language Learning, Coronavirus, Climate change, War and Peace, World Food Crisis, Women empowerment, Traffic Jam, Load Shedding, The importance of Tree Plantation, Agriculture, Natural Calamities like Flood, Earth Quake, Internet, The uses and abuses of social media like Facebook, Population problem, Women and Child Labor, Malnutritions, Inflation, and the like.
গ্রামার থেকে ২/৩ টা ১ মার্কের প্রশ্ন হবে। সে জন্য, তোমাকে নিচের টপিক গুলো পড়তে হবে।
Clause, Voice Changing, Transformation of Sentences, Right form of Verbs, Narration, Parts of Speech,
Writing- 1
Read and try to know the answer to the following questions-
- What is writing?
- What is language?
- How many skills are there in English and what are they?
- What are the integrated skills in English?
- What is Brainstorming? **
- What are the stages of the writing process? **
- What are cohesion and coherence in writing? **
- What is drafting?
- What is a bibliography? **
- What is skimming? **
- How does scanning differ from skimming?
- What are biography and autobiography? **
What is plagiarism? **- What are subjectivity and objectivity?
- What is scanning? **
- What is proofreading? **
- What is revision?
- What is a topic sentence?
- What are the functions of a topic sentence? **
- Write a topic sentence on the following topic-
Higher education for women in Bangladesh/Female education, A good book, Causes of environment pollution, Disadvantages of internet, Your favorite poet, Moral values, Reading makes a full man, Mobile phone/ Smartphone, E-mail, Global Warming, Village market, Tree plantation, Distance learning, Drug addiction, Friendship, Gender discrimination, Social violence, Freedom of speech, Punctuality, Charity, The abuses of Facebook, Online Games, Students politics, Acid Throwing, Globalization, Good manners, Self-Reliance, A rainy day, Moonlit night, Corruption, Road accident, Patriotism, Your Department, Study of science, Computer, Climate change, Study tour, Bookfair, etc.
- What is a paragraph/definition of the paragraph? **
- What are the features of a good paragraph?
- What are the elements of a paragraph?
- What are the developers in a paragraph?
- Make a layout of a paragraph.
- What is the terminator in a paragraph? **
- What are the types of process paragraphs? **
- What are the essential parts of a paragraph?
- What is the key sentence/lead sentence?
- What are the different types of paragraphs?
- What is a-
Expository paragraph, process paragraph, listing paragraph, cause and effect paragraph, descriptive paragraph, contrast paragraph, persuasive paragraph, argumentative paragraph, comparison paragraph?
- What do you mean by linkers?
- What are some of the linkers?
In fine, as a result, ultimately, moreover, in lieu of, for instance, in addition, however, nevertheless, to sum up, because of, accordingly, for example, like, as, for this reason, etc.
- What is an essay?
- What is the function of an expository essay?
- What are the types of essays?
What are the three basic parts of an essay?- What is a-
descriptive essay, narrative essay, thesis statement, expository essay, formal essay, subjective essay, literary or critical essay, argumentative essay, persuasive essay, example essay, etc.
- What is a letter?
- What are the major types of letters?
- What is a cover letter?
- What is a business letter?
- What are the four considerations of a business letter?
- What is a commercial letter?
- What is a complaint letter?
- What is the D. O. letter?
- What are the parts of a formal letter?
- What is an informal letter?
- What are the parts of an informal letter?
- What are the four A’s of a sales letter?
- What is LC?
- What is the subscription in a letter?
- What do NB and PS stand for?
- What is an official letter?
- What are the general parts of a private letter?
- What is the most important part of a letter?
- What are the parts of an application?
- What is CV/
Resume/Bio-data? - What are the elements of a CV?
- What is the main function of a resume?
- What are biography and autobiography?
- What is a memo/memorandum?
- What is the purpose of a memo?
- What are the essential parts of a memo?
- What are the types of memos?
- Create a format of a Memo?
- What are the functions of a memo?
- To whom are memos written?
- What is punctuation?
- Give a list of punctuation marks.
- What are the uses of capitalization?
- How many punctuation marks are used in English?
- What is notice?
- What is the function of a notice?
- What is the purpose of a notice?
- What is the difference between notice and circular?
- Where is a notice hung?
- What type of communication is a notice?
- Where is a notice published?
- What is a report?
- What are the essential parts of a report?
- What is the purpose of report writing?
- Name the parts of a news report?
- Give a format of a report?
- Name the types of reports.
- What is a news report?
- What are the parts of a news report?
- What is a lead paragraph?
- What is story in a report?
- What is an appendix?
- What is a glossary?
Part- B:
Reading- 2
N.B. Read some passages and practice with those.
Writing- 2
- Form of writing: The form of writing of the topic “………….” should be an essay/ a paragraph/ a research article/ a critical essay.
- Style of Writing: The style can be formal or informal
- Voice of Writing: The voice can be subjective or objective.
- Audience: To whom the writer writes.
- Purpose of writing: Why the writer writes.
Suggested Topics: Women’s education, My village, A good friend, Happy moments in your life, Internet, Facebook, English Novels, etc.
Part- C
Reading- 3
Poems: Keep the poems of 1st year in your consideration. ফার্স্ট ইয়ারের কবিতা গুলোও পড়তে হবে। *****
There are poems out of your syllabus. Read them if your exam becomes hard, you might get common out of this list. The poem of the last exam came from this list.
- ফার্স্ট ইয়ারের কবিতা গুলোও পড়তে হবে। ২১ সালে ফার্স্ট ইয়ারের Robert Herrick এর “To Daffodils” কবিতা এসেছিল।
- My Heart Leaps Up –When I Behold by W. Wordsworth
- Crabbed Age and Youth by Shakespeare
- Dover Beach by Mathew Arnold
Ozymandias by P. B. Shelley- (22 সালে এসেছিল)- Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers by Adriene Rich
- Dreams by D. H. Lawrence
- My Last Duchess by Robert Browning
- Dreams by Langston Hughes
- The School Boy William Blake
- Out, Out by Robert Frost
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W. B. Yeats
- September 1, 1939 by W. H. Auden
- Books by Eleanor Farjeon
- Two Mothers Remembered by Joann Snow Duncanson
- The Sands of Dee by Charles Kingsley- came in the 2020 exam/last exam/ So, you need not read (২০ সালে এসেছিল)
- Time, You Old Gipsy Man by Ralph Hodgson
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
- The Children’s Song by Rudyard Kipling
- Ode on Solitude by Alexander Pope
- The News by Michael Rosen
- Contemplation by John Carpenter
- Whose Child Is This? by Anonymous
- Leisure by William Henry Davies
- From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Silver by Walter de la Mare
- Holding Hands by Leonore M Link
- Boats Sail on the Rivers by Christina Georgina Rossetti
- Andre by Gwendolyn Brooks
- City Streets and country roads by Eleanor Farjeon
- I meant to do my work as anonymous
- The Charge of the Light Brigade by A. L. Tennyson
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by S. T. Coleridge
- Bengal’s Face by Jibanananda Das
- A Little Plant by Anonymous
- The Traffic Police by Anonymous
Writing- 3
Courtesy cost nothing- Pride goes before a fall
- As you sow, so shall you reap
- Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.
- A little learning is a dangerous thing.
- The old order changeth yielding place to new.
- The grass is greener on the other side of the fence
- Birds of a feather flock together.
- All that glitters is not gold.
- Every cloud has a silver lining
- Makes hay while the sun shines
- Don’t look a gift horse in a mouth
- A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
- Cowards die many times before their death
- Man is the architect of his own fortune
- Great talkers are never great doers
Write an application to the Principal of your college for-
- increasing library facilities.
- arranging a study tour.
- increasing hostel facilities.
providing multi-media facility.- not to allow students to use cell phones.
- supplying enough newspapers and journals.
- permission to stage a drama.
- arranging cultural programs.
- arranging a sports program.
Write a letter to a friend-
- condoling his father’s death.
- inviting him to visit your village/country
- declining his invitation.
- thanking him for a birthday present.
- giving details of a job you have got recently.
- making a trip.
- describing an exciting cricket match.
- Write a letter to the bookstall complaining about a defective book.
- Write a letter to your parents/brother about your future plan.
- Write a letter to the business manager for canceling an order.
- Write a letter to your brother advising him to join sports/ to stay away from drugs.
Write a report for a newspaper on-
- flood-affected people in your area.
- increasing drug abuse.
- food adulteration or using chemicals for reservation.
- road accident.
- observation of a cultural week.
- price hike/spiral/Inflation
- 21 Feb Bookfair
- Development of Bangladesh
- Traffic Jam
- Road accident
- Load shedding
- Drug addiction
- Good governance
- Library
- Self-reliance
- Use of Facebook/social media/internet
- The Necessity of Learning English
- Tree plantation
- Impact of Deforestation
- Sports you love/ Cricket/ Football
Patriotism- Students politics
- Women Empowerment
- Development of Bangladesh
- War and Peace
- Development of the ICT sector in BD
- Value of Time
- Aim in Life
- Morality
- Liberation war
- Pollution
- Global Warming
- Climate change
- Karnafuli Tunnel
- Democracy
- War and Peace
Previous Question: Question of 2022 Exam

Previous Question: Question of 2021 Exam

Part- A:
Reading- 1
Read and have some ideas on the following topics-
Education, Necessity of English Language Learning, Coronavirus, Climate change, War and Peace, World Food Crisis, Women empowerment, Traffic Jam, Load Shedding, The importance of Tree Plantation, Agriculture, Natural Calamities like Flood, Earth Quake, Internet, The uses and abuses of social media like Facebook, Population problem, Women and Child Labor, Malnutritions, Inflation, and the like.
Writing- 1
Read and try to know the answer to the following questions-
- What is writing?
- What is language?
- How many skills are there in English and what are they?
- What are the integrated skills in English?
What is Brainstorming? **- What are the stages of the writing process? **
- What are cohesion and coherence in writing? **
- What is drafting?
- What is a bibliography? **
- What is skimming? **
- How does scanning differ from skimming?
- What are biography and autobiography? **
- What is plagiarism? **
- What are subjectivity and objectivity?
- What is scanning? **
- What is proofreading? **
- What is revision?
- What is a topic sentence?
- What are the functions of a topic sentence? **
- Write a topic sentence on the following topic-
Higher education for women in Bangladesh/Female education, A good book, Causes of environment pollution, Disadvantages of internet, Your favorite poet, Moral values, Reading makes a full man, Mobile phone/ Smartphone, E-mail, Global Warming, Village market, Tree plantation, Distance learning, Drug addiction, Friendship, Gender discrimination, Social violence, Freedom of speech, Punctuality, Charity, The abuses of Facebook, Online Games, Students politics, Acid Throwing, Globalization, Good manners, Self-Reliance, A rainy day, Moonlit night, Corruption, Road accident, Patriotism, Your Department, Study of science, Computer, Climate change, Study tour, Bookfair, etc.
- What is a paragraph/definition of the paragraph? **
- What are the features of a good paragraph?
- What are the elements of a paragraph?
- What are the developers in a paragraph?
- Make a layout of a paragraph.
- What is the terminator in a paragraph? **
- What are the types of process paragraphs? **
What are the essential parts of a paragraph?- What is the key sentence/lead sentence?
- What are the different types of paragraphs?
- What is a-
Expository paragraph, process paragraph, listing paragraph, cause and effect paragraph, descriptive paragraph, contrast paragraph, persuasive paragraph, argumentative paragraph, comparison paragraph?
- What do you mean by linkers?
- What are some of the linkers?
In fine, as a result, ultimately, moreover, in lieu of, for instance, in addition, however, nevertheless, to sum up, because of, accordingly, for example, like, as, for this reason, etc.
- What is an essay?
- What is the function of an expository essay?
- What are the types of essays?
What are the three basic parts of an essay?- What is a-
descriptive essay, narrative essay, thesis statement, expository essay, formal essay, subjective essay, literary or critical essay, argumentative essay, persuasive essay, example essay, etc.
- What is a letter?
- What are the major types of letters?
What is a cover letter?- What is a business letter?
- What is a commercial letter?
- What is a complaint letter?
- What is the D. O. letter?
- What are the parts of a formal letter?
- What is an informal letter?
- What are the parts of an informal letter?
- What are the four A’s of a sales letter?
- What is LC?
- What is the subscription in a letter?
- What do NB and PS stand for?
- What is an official letter?
- What are the general parts of a private letter?
- What is the most important part of a letter?
- What are the parts of an application?
- What is CV/Resume/Bio-data?
- What are the elements of a CV?
- What is the main function of a resume?
- What are biography and autobiography?
- What is a memo/memorandum?
- What is the purpose of a memo?
- What are the essential parts of a memo?
- What are the types of memos?
- Create a format of a Memo?
- What are the functions of a memo?
- To whom are memos written?
- What is punctuation?
- Give a list of punctuation marks.
- What are the uses of capitalization?
- How many punctuation marks are used in English?
- What is notice?
- What is the function of a notice?
- What is the purpose of a notice?
- Where is a notice hung?
- What type of communication is a notice?
- Where is a notice published?
- What is a report?
- What are the essential parts of a report?
- What should be the tone and language of a report?
- What is the purpose of report writing?
- Name the parts of a news report?
- Give a format of a report?
- Name the types of reports.
- What is a news report?
- What are the parts of a news report?
- What is a lead paragraph?
- What is story in a report?
- What is an appendix?
- What is a glossary?
Part- B:
Reading- 2
N.B. Read some passages and practice with those.
Writing- 2
- Form of writing: The form of writing of the topic “………….” should be an essay/ a paragraph/ a research article/ a critical essay.
- Style of Writing: The style can be formal or informal
- Voice of Writing: The voice can be subjective or objective.
- Audience: To whom the writer writes.
- Purpose of writing: Why the writer writes.
Suggested Topics: Women’s education, My village, A good friend, Happy moments in your life, Internet, Facebook, English Novels, etc.
Part- C
Poems: Keep the poems of 1st year in your consideration.
There are poems out of your syllabus. Read them if your exam becomes hard, you might get common out of this list. The poem of the last exam came from this list.
- My Heart Leaps up –When I behold by W. Wordsworth
- Crabbed age and Youth by Shakespeare
- Dover beach by Mathew Arnold
- Ozymandias by P. B. Shelley
- Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers by Adriene Rich
- Dreams by D. H. Lawrence
- My last Duchess by Robert Browning
- Dreams by Langston Hughes
- The School Boy William Blake
- Out, Out by Robert Frost
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W. B. Yeats
- September 1, 1939 by W. H. Auden
- Books by Eleanor Farjeon
- Two Mothers Remembered by Joann Snow Duncanson
- The Sands of Dee by Charles Kingley- came in the 2020 exam/last exam/ So, you need not read
- Time, You Old Gipsy Man by Ralph Hodgson
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
- The Children’s Song by Rudyard Kipling
- Ode on Solitude by Alexander Pope
- The News by Michael Rosen
- Contemplation by John Carpenter
- Whose Child Is This? by Anonymous
- Leisure by William Henry Davies
- From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Silver by Walter de la Mare
- Holding Hands by Leonore M Link
- Boats sail on the rivers by Christina Georgina Rossetti
- Andre by Gwendolyn Brooks
- City streets and country roads by Eleanor Farjeon
- I meant to do my work by anonymous
- The Charge of the Light Brigade by A. L. Tennyson
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by S. T. Coleridge
- Bengal’s Face by Jibanananda Das
- A Little Plant by Anonymous
- The Traffic Police by Anonymous
Previous Question: Question of 2020 Exam