4th Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা 2025 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।
Part – C
Heart of Darkness
- *** Comment on the theme of imperialism in Heart of Darkness.
- *** Comment on the treatment of Evil in the Heart of Darkness.
- *** Analyze Conrad’s narrative techniques/use of symbols in Heart of Darkness.
- Justify the title of the novel Heart of Darkness.
- Discuss the character of Marlow.
A Passage to India
- *** Discuss the use of symbols in A Passage to India.
- *** Discuss the significance of Marabar caves in A Passage to India.
- *** Discuss the theme of separation represented in A Passage to India.
- Comment on Character of Aziz/Aziz-Fielding relationship in A Passage to India.
- Examine the Forster’s depiction of the Anglo-Indian community in Chandrapore.
To the Lighthouse
- *** Discuss the major themes of To the Lighthouse.
- *** Critically analyze the significance of the journey To the Lighthouse.
- *** Discuss the symbols in To the Lighthouse.
- Justify the title of the novel To the Lighthouse.
- Discuss the character of Lily Briscoe.
Sons and Lovers
- *** Comment on the father’s and son’s relationship in Sons and Lovers.
- *** Discuss the treatment of love and marriage in Sons and Lovers.
- Comment on the tragic character of Walter Morel in Sons and Lovers.
The Grass is Singing
- *** Discuss the theme of colonialism in The Grass is Singing.
- *** Discuss The Grass is Singing is a story of a failed marriage.
- How are the Black African treated in The Grass is Singing?
- Comment on the significance of the title The Grass is Singing.
Part – B
Heart of Darkness
- What does the knitting of black wool in Heart of Darkness?
- What do you know about the Manager of the Central Station in Heart of Darkness?
- What do you know about the pilgrim in Heart of Darkness?
- Write a short note on the theme of Hallow Men in Heart of Darkness.
- What does ‘ivory’ symbolize in Heart of Darkness?
- Comment on the significance of the title Heart of Darkness.
- What does the word ‘horror’ signify in the novel Heart of Darkness?
- What is the symbolic significance of ‘Whited Sepulchre’ in Heart of Darkness?
- Give a pen-picture of the Brickmaker in Heart of Darkness.
- What is Marlow’s estimate of the cannibal crew in Heart of Darkness?
- What do you know about Kurtz?
A Passage to India
- Sketch the character of Adela Quested in A Passage to India.
- Discuss the underlying significance of the collision of the boats at Mau.
- Why does the relationship between Aziz and Fielding fail?
- What does Chandrapore signify?
- What is the significance of Fielding’s tea-party in A Passage to India?
- Describe the significance of the Janmasthami Ceremony.
- How does the novel A Passage to India end?
- Describe the trial scene in A Passage to India.
To the Lighthouse
- How does Mrs. Ramsay show sympathy for the Lighthouse keeper?
- What is Mrs. Ramsay’s view of life?
- Discuss briefly the role of Mrs. Ramsay as mother, wife, and friend.
- Can you trace a moment of intimacy between Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay?
- Why does William Bankes think that Dinner-Party to be a sheer waste of time?
- What are the reasons for Lily’s feeling of triumph over Mrs. Ramsay?
- Why is Lily Briscoe dissatisfied with her picture?
- What is Lily’s idea of a good picture?
- Compare and contrast Mr and Mrs Ramsay.
- How does Lily Briscoe experience an epiphany in the novel To the Light House.
Sons and Lovers
- What is Oedipus Complex? How is it treated in the novel Sons and Lovers.
- Do you find any moral lesson in Sons and Lovers?
- Why did Paul’s relationship with Mirium fail?
- What is the significance of Paul-Miriam episode?
- Bring out the significance of Paul-Clara relationship in Sons and Lovers.
- Describe the last day in Gertrude Morel’s life.
- How does Lawrence apply ‘impression’ technique in Sons and Lovers?
- What do you know about the setting of Sons and Lovers?
- Write a note on Baxter Dawes.
- How does Lawrence employ the stream of consciousness technique in Sons and Lovers?
- Why was Gertrude Morel unhappy with her husband?
- Discuss the symbolic use of Coal-Pits in Sons and Lovers.
The Grass is Singing
- How was Mary brought up and educated in childhood?
- How does the author portray racial discrimination through the experience of Mary on Dick Turner’s farm?
- How does Charlie Slatter take control of the murder case of Mary Turner?
- Describe the setting of The Grass is Singing.
- Trace the autobiographical elements in The Grass is Singing.
- Discuss the murder of Mary in The Grass is Singing.
Previous Questions
Question of 2022

Question of 2021

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের অর্থাৎ যারা 24 সালে পরিক্ষা দিবে।
Part – C
- Justify the title of the novel Heart of Darkness.
- Analyze Conrad’s use of symbols/narrative techniques in Heart of Darkness.
- Comment on the treatment of Evil in the Heart of Darkness.
- Write on the character and role of Marlow in Heart of Darkness
- Explain the significance of the dying words of Kurtz! “The Horror, The Horror“.
- Discuss the use of symbols in A Passage to India.
- Comment on the theme of cultural conflict/separation in A Passage to India.
- Examine the Forster’s depiction of the Anglo-Indian community in Chandrapore.
- Comment on Character of Aziz/Aziz-Fielding relationship in A Passage to India.
- Discuss the symbols in To the Lighthouse.
- Discuss the character of Lily Brisco.
- Critically analyze the significance of the journey To the Lighthouse.
- Examine the aptness of the title To the Lighthouse.
- Comment on the father’s and son’s relationship in sons and lovers.
- Discuss the treatment of love and marriage in sons and lovers.
- Why does Paul fail to achieve a meaningful relationship with either Miriam or Clara?
- Comment on the tragic character of Walter Morel in Sons and Lovers.
- Discuss The Grass is Singing is a story of a failed marriage.
- How are the Black African treated in The Grass is Singing?
- Comment on the significance of the title The Grass is Singing.
- Discuss the theme of colonialism in The Grass is Singing.
Question of Previous Exam- 2020

Previous Suggestion
For 4th year 2020
- Justify the title of the novel Heart of Darkness.
- Comment on the theme of imperialism in Heart of Darkness. [Common]
- Comment on the treatment of Evil in the Heart of Darkness.
- Discuss the significance of Marabar caves in A Passage to India. [Common]
- Discuss the use of symbols in A Passage to India.
- Justify the title A Passage to India. [Common]
- Discuss the major themes of To the Lighthouse. [Common]
- Discuss the symbols in To the Lighthouse.
- Discuss Oedipus complex or mother-fixation in Sons and Lovers. [Common]
- Comment on the father’s and son’s relationship in sons and lovers.
- Discuss the treatment of love and marriage in sons and lovers.
- Discuss the social pictures found in The Grass is Singing. [Common]
- Sketch the character of Mary in The Grass is Singing. [Common]