4th Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা 2025 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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@ জুমে লাইভ ক্লাস হয়।
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@ রবি-মঙ্গল-ব্রিহস্পতি, রাত 8.15-9.15 টা
@ ক্লাস রেকর্ড করে গ্রুপে শেয়ার করা হয়।
@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।
Part – C
Young Goodman Brown
- *** Discuss Young Goodman Brown as an allegory.
- *** Discuss how is Young Goodman Brown tempted to sin by curiosity.
- *** Discuss the symbols in the story Young Goodman Brown.
- Discuss the features of the character of Young Goodman Brown.
The Hairy Ape
- *** Discuss the impact of industrialization on the characters.
- *** Describe the class conflict in The Hairy Ape.
- *** Discuss The Hairy Ape as a satire/ social satire.
The Sun Also Rises
- *** Discuss The Sun Also Rises as a fictional chronicle of a lost generation.
- *** Discuss the impact of Word War I on the characters.
- What is the significance of Bull fighting and bull fighters in The Sun Also Rises?
- *** Discuss Hemingway’s treatment of religion in The Sun Also Rises
Seize The Day
- *** Write a note on American life and society as depicted in Seize the Day.
- *** Justify the title of the novel Seize the Day.
- *** Comment on the theme of isolation in the novel ‘Seize The Day.’
- How did Tommy Wilhelm get freedom in ‘Seize the Day?’
- What is American Dream and how does Wilhelm become a victim of it?
- *** Beloved portrays an institutionalized dehumanization of the slave.
- *** Comment on the racial violence in Beloved.
- *** Discuss the white people’s attitude to black people in Beloved.
- Why did Sethe try to kill Beloved?
Part – B
Young Goodman Brown
- How is Brown’s wife an allegorical figure in terms of her name?
- Why must Goodman Brown make his journey into the forest?
- What does the forest represent in the story Young Goodman Brown?
- How does Faith try to stop Brown from taking the journey on that evening?
- What do the pink ribbons signify?
- Discuss the symbolic significance of the character Goody Cloyse.
- What does ‘the staff’ symbolize in the Young Goodman Brown?
- Why does Satan look so much like Brown himself?
- How does Brown exhibit the characteristics of Dark Romanticism?
- Depict the dark side of Salem village.
The Hairy Ape
- Write briefly about the human regression by industrialization from The Hairy Ape.
- Write a short note on Yank.
- Write a short note on Paddy.
- How does Yank meet his tragedy?
- Discuss the character of Mildred Douglas.
- Discuss the character of the aunt of Mildred Douglas.
- Write a short note on the symbols.
The Sun Also Rises
- Compare Jake’s relationship to Brett with Cohn’s relationship to Frances.
- Compare and contrast the two characters Jake and Cohn.
- How can you describe the Parisian café culture in The Sun also Rises?
- “You are all a lost generation.”- Explain.
- In The Sun also Rises, how is Jake’s sexual impotence a metaphor?
- Show the difference between Jake and Pedro
- How is the relation of Jake and Brett?
- Is the novel a tragedy or satire?
- What type of lifestyle does Lady Brett Ashley maintain?
Seize The Day
- What influence does Dr. Tamkin have on Wilhelm?
- Why does Wilhelm accept Dr. Tamkin as his financial psychological and spiritual guide?
- What are the reasons for Wilhelm’s failure in the modern competition?
- Why does Dr. Adler see his son Tommy as a failure?
- What is the significance of the final scene of Seize the Day?
- How is Wilhelm representative of the war-torn world?
- How is Tommy regenerated at last?
- Who is Margaret? How is the relationship between Margaret and Wilhelm?
- What is novella? Is Seize the Day a novella?
- Write a note on Hotel Gloriana?
- To what extent is Seize the Day a Jewish novel?
- Discuss the character of Wilhelm.
- Assess the relationship between Dr. Adler and Tommy Wilhelm.
- Why did Dr. Adler refuse to provide any financial assistance to his son Tommy Wilhelm?
- What is Surrogate father? Is Dr Tamkin a surrogate father for Wilhelm?
- Write the theme of memory in Beloved.
- How does Beloved quickly become a dominant force in Sethe’s house?
- Analyze the character of Baby Suggs.
- Analyze the character of Paul D in brief.
- Give a brief description of Denver in Beloved.
- What do you know about Mr. and Mrs. Garner?
- How can Sethe and Paul be seen as perpetual fugitives?
- How does Baby Suggs treat Sethe?
- Discuss Beloved as an allegorical figure.
Previous Questions
Question of 2022

Question of 2021

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের অর্থাৎ যারা 24 সালে পরিক্ষা দিবে।
Part – C
- Discuss how is Young Goodman Brown tempted to sin by curiosity.
- Comment on the use of symbols in ‘Young Goodman Brown’
- Discuss the features of the character of Young Goodman Brown.
- Discuss the evil of human nature in the story Young Goodman Brown.
- Consider Yank as a tragic character in The Hairy Ape.
- Discuss The Hairy Ape as a modern tragedy.
- Discuss The Hairy Ape as a social satire.
- Discuss the themes of The Hairy Ape.
- Discuss The Sun Also Rises as a fictional chronicle of a lost generation.
- Discuss Hemingway’s treatment of religion in The Sun Also Rises.
- What is the significance of bullfighting and bullfighters in The Sun Also Rises?
- Justify the title of The Sun Also Rises.
- Write a note on contemporary American life and society as depicted in Seize The Day.
- Comment on the theme of isolation in the novel ‘Seize The Day.’
- What is American Dream? How Tommy Wilhelm is the victim of it?
- How did Tommy Wilhelm get freedom in ‘Seize The Day?’
- Toni Morrison’s Beloved portrays an institutionalized dehumanization of the slave.
- Discuss the white people’s attitude to black people in Beloved.
- Discuss the role of Paul D in Beloved.
- Why did Sethe try to kill Beloved?
Question of Previous Year

Suggestion For 2020
- Discuss how is Young Goodman Brown tempted to sin by curiosity.
- What allegorical elements do you find in Young Goodman Brown?
- Consider Yank as a tragic character in The Hairy Ape.
- Discuss The Hairy Ape as a modern tragedy.
- Discuss the class conflict in The Hairy Ape.
- Discuss the human regression by industrialization.
- Discuss The Sun Also Rises as a fictional chronicle of a lost generation.
- Discuss Hemingway’s treatment of religion in The Sun Also Rises.
- What is the significance of bullfighting and bullfighters in The Sun Also Rises?
- Justify the title of the novel Seize The Day.
- Discuss Tommy Wilhelm as the hero of the novel Seize The Day.
- Toni Morrison’s Beloved portrays an institutionalized dehumanization of the slave.
- Discuss the treatment of supernatural elements in Beloved.