Suggestion of American Literature: Fiction and Drama

4th Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা 2025 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

suggestion of American Literature: Fiction and Drama

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@ জুমে লাইভ ক্লাস হয়।
@ লেকচার শিট + হ্যান্ড নোট্‌স পাবে
@ সপ্তাহে ৩ দিন ১ ঘণ্টা করে পড়ান হয়।
@ রবি-মঙ্গল-ব্রিহস্পতি, রাত 8.15-9.15 টা
@ ক্লাস রেকর্ড করে গ্রুপে শেয়ার করা হয়।
@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।


Part – C

Young Goodman Brown

  1. *** Discuss Young Goodman Brown as an allegory.
  2. *** Discuss how is Young Goodman Brown tempted to sin by curiosity.
  3. Discuss the features of the character of Young Goodman Brown.
  4. *** Discuss the evil of human nature in the story Young Goodman Brown.

The Hairy Ape

  1. *** Discuss The Hairy Ape as a modern tragedy/ tragedy of Yank.
  2. *** Discuss the impact of industrialization on the characters.
  3. *** Describe the class conflict in The Hairy Ape.
  4. Discuss the themes of The Hairy Ape.

The Sun Also Rises

  1. *** Discuss The Sun Also Rises as a fictional chronicle of a lost generation.
  2. *** Discuss the impact of Word War I on the characters.
  3. Justify the title of The Sun Also Rises.

Seize The Day

  1. *** Write a note on American life and society as depicted in Seize the Day.
  2. *** Justify the title of the novel Seize the Day.
  3. How did Tommy Wilhelm get freedom in ‘Seize the Day?’


  1. *** Beloved portrays an institutionalized dehumanization of the slave.
  2. *** Discuss the character of Beloved/ Supernatural character in Beloved.
  3. *** Discuss the white people’s attitude to black people in Beloved.
  4. Discuss the role of Paul D in Beloved.
  5. Why did Sethe try to kill Beloved?

Part – B

Young Goodman Brown

  1. How is Brown’s wife an allegorical figure in terms of her name?
  2. How does Faith represent ‘faith’?
  3. Why must Goodman Brown make his journey into the forest?
  4. What does the forest represent in the story Young Goodman Brown?
  5. How does Faith try to stop Brown from taking the journey on that evening?
  6. What do the pink ribbons signify?
  7. What does ‘the staff’ symbolize in the Young Goodman Brown?
  8. Why does Satan look so much like Brown himself?
  9. How does Brown exhibit the characteristics of Dark Romanticism?

The Hairy Ape

  1. Write briefly about the human regression by industrialization from The Hairy Ape.
  2. Write a short note on Yank.
  3. Write a short note on Paddy.
  4. What is the significance of the Fifth Avenue in the play Hairy Ape?
  5. Discuss the character of Mildred Douglas.
  6. Discuss the character of the aunt of Mildred Douglas.
  7. Write a short note on the symbols.

The Sun Also Rises

  1. Compare Jake’s relationship to Brett with Cohn’s relationship to Frances.
  2.  Compare and contrast the two characters Jake and Cohn.
  3. How can you describe the Parisian café culture in The Sun also Rises?
  4. Do you think that Brett is a sympathetic character?
  5. What conflicts do we find in The Sun also Rises?
  6. “You are all a lost generation.”- Explain.
  7. In The Sun also Rises, how is Jake’s sexual impotence a metaphor?
  8. Show the difference between Jake and Pedro
  9. How is the relation of Jake and Brett?

Seize The Day

  1. What influence does Dr. Tamkin have on Wilhelm?
  2. Why does Wilhelm accept Dr. Tamkin as his financial psychological and spiritual guide?
  3. What are the reasons for Wilhelm’s failure in the modern competition?
  4. Why does Dr. Adler see his son Tommy as a failure?
  5. What is the significance of the final scene of Seize the Day?
  6. How is Wilhelm representative of the war-torn world?
  7. Who is Margaret? How is the relationship between Margaret and Wilhelm?
  8. What is novella? Is Seize the Day a novella?
  9. Write a note on Hotel Gloriana?
  10. To what extent is Seize the Day a Jewish novel?
  11. Discuss the character of Wilhelm.
  12. Comment on the funeral scene in Seize the Day.
  13. Assess the relationship between Dr. Adler and Tommy Wilhelm.
  14. Why did Dr. Adler refuse to provide any financial assistance to his son Tommy Wilhelm?


  1. Write the theme of memory in Beloved.
  2. How does Beloved quickly become a dominant force in Sethe’s house?
  3. Analyze the character of Baby Suggs.
  4. Analyze the character of Paul D in brief.
  5. Give a brief description of Denver in Beloved.
  6. What do you know about Mr. and Mrs. Garner?
  7. How does Beloved help Denver gain an independent identity?
  8. How can Sethe and Paul be seen as perpetual fugitives?
  9. How does Baby Suggs treat Sethe?


Previous Questions

Question of 2022

American Literature Fiction and drama 1
American Literature Fiction and drama 2

Question of 2021

American Literature Fiction and Drama 1.jpg
American Literature Fiction and Drama 2.jpg

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের অর্থাৎ যারা 24 সালে পরিক্ষা দিবে।

Part – C

  1. Discuss how is Young Goodman Brown tempted to sin by curiosity.
  2. Comment on the use of symbols in ‘Young Goodman Brown’
  3. Discuss the features of the character of Young Goodman Brown.
  4. Discuss the evil of human nature in the story Young Goodman Brown.
  1. Consider Yank as a tragic character in The Hairy Ape.
  2. Discuss The Hairy Ape as a modern tragedy.
  3. Discuss The Hairy Ape as a social satire.
  4. Discuss the themes of The Hairy Ape.
  1. Discuss The Sun Also Rises as a fictional chronicle of a lost generation.
  2. Discuss Hemingway’s treatment of religion in The Sun Also Rises.
  3. What is the significance of bullfighting and bullfighters in The Sun Also Rises?
  4. Justify the title of The Sun Also Rises.
  1. Write a note on contemporary American life and society as depicted in Seize The Day.
  2. Comment on the theme of isolation in the novel ‘Seize The Day.’
  3. What is American Dream? How Tommy Wilhelm is the victim of it?
  4. How did Tommy Wilhelm get freedom in ‘Seize The Day?’
  1. Toni Morrison’s Beloved portrays an institutionalized dehumanization of the slave.
  2. Discuss the white people’s attitude to black people in Beloved.
  3. Discuss the role of Paul D in Beloved.
  4. Why did Sethe try to kill Beloved?

Question of Previous Year

American literature
American literature

Suggestion For 2020

  1. Discuss how is Young Goodman Brown tempted to sin by curiosity.
  2. What allegorical elements do you find in Young Goodman Brown?
  3. Consider Yank as a tragic character in The Hairy Ape.
  4. Discuss The Hairy Ape as a modern tragedy.
  5. Discuss the class conflict in The Hairy Ape.
  6. Discuss the human regression by industrialization.
  7. Discuss The Sun Also Rises as a fictional chronicle of a lost generation.
  8. Discuss Hemingway’s treatment of religion in The Sun Also Rises.
  9. What is the significance of bullfighting and bullfighters in The Sun Also Rises?
  10. Justify the title of the novel Seize The Day.
  11. Discuss Tommy Wilhelm as the hero of the novel Seize The Day.
  12. Toni Morrison’s Beloved portrays an institutionalized dehumanization of the slave.
  13. Discuss the treatment of supernatural elements in Beloved.