The exam will be held in 2024 (এটা ২০২৪ সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ আইপিএস আছে, সো, বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।
Part – C (ব্রড প্রশ্ন)
[King Oedipus]
- *** Discuss the role and function of Chorus in King Oedipus.
- *** Consider Oedipus Rex as a tragedy of fate/tragedy of character.
- Discuss the character and role of Teiresias.
[As You Like It]
- *** Discuss the importance of the Forest of Arden.
- *** Discuss Shakespeare’s treatment of love in As You Like It.
- Comment on the use of disguise in As You Like It.
- Depict the character of Rosalind
- *** Consider As You Like It as a romantic comedy/find romantic elements.
[Arms and the Man]
- *** Find out the anti-heroic qualities/character of Bluntschli.
- *** Comment on the theme of war, love and marriage in “Arms and the Man”.
- *** Comment on the meeting scene/bed-chamber scene in “Arms and the Man”.
- Discuss Arms and The Man as a Satire.
- *** Evaluate Arms and the Man as a problem play/drama of ideas.
- Make a comparative study between the character of Raina and Louka.
[Riders to the Sea- থেকে ২ টা প্রশ্ন কমন আসবে]
- *** How does the “Riders to the Sea” create a universal appeal?
- *** Evaluate Maurya as a tragic character.
- *** Discuss the role of fate in Riders to the Sea.
- Discuss the use/role of nature/sea in Riders to the Sea.
- Evaluate Riders to the Sea as a modern tragedy with a classical setting.
[The Lion and the Jewel- থেকে ২ টা প্রশ্ন কমন আসবে]
- *** Discuss the victory of traditional values over Western values in The Lion and the Jewel.
- *** What picture of African society do you find in the play The Lion and the Jewel?
- Discuss the condition of women in The Lion and the Jewel.
- *** Justify the title of The Lion and the Jewel.
- Discuss the character of Sidi/Baroka/Lakunle
Part- B (শর্ট প্রশ্ন)
[King Oedipus]
- What is the prologue and its role in King Oedipus?
- Why did Oedipus call Teirisias to his palace?
- Discuss King Oedipus as a tragedy of fate.
- Comment on the significance of the encounter between Oedipus and Creon.
- Comment on the significance of the encounter between Oedipus and Teirisias.
- What reason or logic does Oedipus give for his self-blinding?
- What is the significance of Oedipus’ self-blinding?
- What was the Oracle’s advice to get relief from the plague?
- Why did the people of Thebes respect Teirisias?
- In what situation does Oedipus kill his father- Laius?
- What was the prophecy of Teirisias about Oedipus?
Write a note on the Riddle of Sphinx.
[As You Like It]
- What is a romantic comedy?
- Discuss Shakespeare’s treatment of love in As you like it.
- How does Rosalind want to cure Orlando?
Justify the title of the play As You Like It.- Describe the fighting scene between Orlando and Charles.
- Why does Orlando write verses?
- Describe the sub-plots in As you Like It.
- Write the significance of disguise in the play.
- How does Orlando save Oliver’s life?
[Arms and the Man]
- What is comedy?
- What is the drama of ideas?
- Is Arms and the Man a problem play?
- Was Bluntschli really a gentleman? How?
- Write a note on the Higher Love.
- What is the dramatic significance of the flirting scene between Sergius and Louka?
Write a note on the Photograph/Coat episode.- What is Raina’s view on killing the fugitives?
- Justify the title “Arms and the Man”.
- Describe the bed chamber episode
- Write a note on Chocolate Cream Soldier.
- What farcical elements do you get in this play?
- Why does Arms and the Man called an anti-romantic comedy?
- Why does Bluntschli compare Sergious to Don Quixote?
[Riders to the Sea]
- What is a one-act play? Is Riders to the Sea a one-act play?
- Describe the role of the sea in Riders to the Sea.
- How do Nora and Cathleen serve the purpose of the Chorus?
- How do Nora and Cathleen become sure about the clothes of Michael?
- What supernatural elements do you find in Riders to the Sea?
- Discuss Riders to the Sea as a tragedy.
- Write a note on Gallway Fair.
- Write a note on the Aran Islands.
[The Lion and the Jewel]
- Describe the episode of ‘The Dance of the Lost Traveler’.
- How does Lakunle try to convince Sidi to marry him without a bride price?
- How does Sadiku try to convince Sidi to marry Baroka?
- Why does Sidi reject Baroka?
- Write a note on The Bale.
- Describe African life and society found in this play.
- Describe the Mime of the surveyor.
- Describe Sadiku’s victory dance.
- Describe the character of Sidi.
- Justify The Lion and the Jewel as a comedy.
Who or what is satirized in this drama?- Write a note on the bride price.
- What are the protagonist and antagonist in this play?
- Why does Sidi marry Baroka at last?
- Describe Sidi’s attitude to bride price.
Question of 2022/ গত এক্সামের প্রশ্ন এটা (এখান থেকে তোমাদের অর্থাৎ 22 সালের এক্সামে কমন আসবে না)

Question of 2021/ গত এক্সামের প্রশ্ন এটা (এখান থেকে তোমাদের অর্থাৎ ২২ সালের এক্সামে কমন আসবে না)

এটা গত বছরের সাজেশান। উপরের টা তোমাদের অর্থাৎ ২৩ সালে যাদের এক্সাম হবে।
Part – C
- Comment on the role of fate in “Oedipus Rex”/Evaluate as a tragedy.
- Discuss the character and role of Teiresias.
- Depict the character of Rosalind and Celia.
- Write on Shakespeare’s wit and humor in As You Like It.
- Discuss the importance of the Forest of Arden.
- Evaluate “Arms and the Man” as an anti-romantic comedy.
- Find out the anti-heroic qualities/character in Bluntschli.
- Comment on the theme of love and marrieage in “Arms and the Man”.
- Discuss the social life and pictures of Aran Islanders.
- How the “Riders does to the Sea” creates a universal appeal?
- Draw the character of Lakunle/Sidi/Baroka.
- Justify the anti-colonial/anti-nationalist theme in “The Lion and the Jewel”.
- Describe the African social life and pictures drawn in “The Lion and the Jewel”.
Question of 2020

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Suggestion for Introduction to Drama for 2020 Examination
Part – C
- Discuss the role of Chorus in King Oedipus.
- Consider “Oedipus Rex” as a tragedy of fate?
- Bring out the romantic elements in As You Like It.
- Depict the character of Celia.
- Write on Shakespeare’s wit and humor in As You Like It.
- Evaluate “Arms and the Man” as an anti-romantic comedy.
- Find out the anti-heroic qualities/character in Bluntschli.
- Comment on the bed-chamber scene in “Arms and the Man”.
- Evaluate Maurya as a tragic character.
- How the “Riders does to the Sea” creates a universal appeal?
- Draw the character of Lakunle.
- Justify the anti-colonial theme in “The Lion and the Jewel”.
- Describe the African social pictures drawn in “The Lion and the Jewel”.
Question of 2019