Suggestion of Literary Criticism for 4th Year

4th Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা 2025 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

Suggestion of Literary Criticism for 4th Year

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@ জুমে লাইভ ক্লাস হয়।
@ লেকচার শিট + হ্যান্ড নোট্‌স পাবে
@ সপ্তাহে ৩ দিন ১ ঘণ্টা করে পড়ান হয়।
@ রবি-মঙ্গল-ব্রিহস্পতি, রাত 8.15-9.15 টা
@ ক্লাস রেকর্ড করে গ্রুপে শেয়ার করা হয়।
@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।


Part – C

The Study of Poetry

  1. What are the functions of poetry according to Arnold? **
  2. Give an account of Matthew Arnold as a critic. ***
  3. Write is Touchstone Method? Discuss its merits and demerits. ***
  4. Discuss Arnold’s assessment of the poetry by Dryden, Pope, Gray, and Burns.

The Metaphysical Poets

  1. Discuss does Eliot distinguish between ‘unification of sensibility’ and ‘dissociation of sensibility’. Or What does Eliot mean by ‘dissociation of sensibility? ***
  2. What similarities does Eliot discover between the modern poets and the metaphysical poets? ***
  3. How does Eliot distinguish between ‘the intellectual poet’ and ‘the reflective poet’ in his writing? Whom does he prefer and why?

Introduction to Culture and Imperialism

  1. Discuss the role of English novels in perpetuating imperial rule. ***
  2. What is contrapuntal reading and why it is recommended by Edward Said? ***
  3. What made Said write his book Culture and Imperialism? **
  4. In what sense, according to Edward Said, is Conrad both imperialist and anti-imperialist?
  5. What nature of Western imperialism is highlighted by E. Said? **
  6. What light does Said throw in the Introduction about the major themes of Culture and Imperialism?

The Rise of English

  1. Discuss the prose style of Terry Eagleton. ***
  2. How does Terry Eagleton link the rise of English to the crisis in modern civilization? ***
  3. What are Eagleton’s views on Romanticism? **
  4. Discuss Eagleton’s evaluation of TS Eliot as a modern poet. **
  5. How does Terry Eagleton evaluate the achievement of the Scrutiny Movement?

Part – B

The Study of Poetry

  1. What are the characteristics of Victorian criticism?
  2. What are the different estimates enunciated by Arnold?
  3. What are the qualities of a ‘classic’ or ‘classical poet’?
  4. What are the merits and demerits of Touchstone?
  5. What is the touchstone method?
  6. How does Arnold describe the 18th-century literature?
  7. What is Arnold’s view of Chaucer as a poet?
  8. What is Charlatanism?
  9. What is an estimate?

The Metaphysical Poets

  1. How does Eliot refute Johnson’s remark about the metaphysical poets that ‘the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together’?
  2. In which case would not the so-called ‘metaphysical poets’ be classified as metaphysical, according to Eliot?
  3. How did Eliot assess Johnson as a critic of the metaphysical poets?
  4. What does Eliot guess about the ‘fate of the metaphysical’ if the current of poetry descended in a direct line from them?
  5. Write a short note on metaphysical poetry.
  6. What are the influences of Milton and Dryden on the poets of the later ages?
  7. Write a short note on ‘Metaphysical Poetry’.
  8. How does Eliot assess Grierson’s anthology Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems of the Seventeenth Century?
  9. What does Eliot propose in order to describe the group of poets called metaphysical when Johnson’s description of them cannot be accepted?

Introduction to Culture and Imperialism

  1. What, according to Edward Said, are the two-fold implications of culture?
  2. How, according to Edward Said, does culture serve as an instrument of imperialism?
  3. How does Joseph Conrad, according to Said, appear as both imperialist and anti-imperialist?
  4. Trace after Edward Said the relationship between the novel and the Western Empire?
  5. How, in Said’s view, does Dicken’s Great Expectations reveal contemporary imperial history?
  6. How does Edward Said apply his technique of contrapuntal reading to Rudyard Kipling’s Kim?

The Rise of English

  1. What, according to Eagleton, was the literary background of the 18th century England?
  2. In what ways did literature serve as a substitute for religion in the Victorian period?
  3. Discuss Eagleton’s assessment of Arnold’s view of the role of literature as a substitute for religion.
  4. How does Eagleton evaluate ‘New Criticism’?
  5. How did the development of English help British imperialism flourish in the 19th century onwards?
  6. How did the Romantics, according to Eagleton, suffer in the hands of industrial capitalism in England?
  7. To what extent is Eagleton critical of Eliot’s contribution to English poetry?

Previous Questions

Question of 2022

Literary Criticism 1
Literary Criticism 2

Question of 2021

Literary Criticism 1.jpg
Literary Criticism 2.jpg

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের অর্থাৎ যারা 24 সালে পরিক্ষা দিবে।

Part – C

The Study of Poetry

  1. *** Discuss Arnold’s views on the features/characteristics of good poetry.
  2. *** What are the functions of poetry according to Arnold?
  3. Discuss Arnold’s assessment of the poetry by Dryden, Pope, Gray, and Burns.
  4. ** “Poetry is the Criticism of Life, governed by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty”- Discuss.

The Metaphysical Poets

  1. ** Why Eliot praise Donne’s capability to unify the intellectual thoughts and sensation of feelings?
  2. *** How does Eliot refute Johnson’s remark on the metaphysical poets?
  3. Discuss does Eliot distinguish between ‘unification of sensibility’ and ‘dissociation of sensibility’.
  4. *** What does Eliot mean by ‘dissociation of sensibility?- discuss

Introduction to Culture and Imperialism

  1. *** Discuss the role of English novels in perpetuating imperial rule.
  2. *** What is contrapuntal reading and why it is recommended by Edward Said?
  3. What is the influence of post-colonialism on Edward Said.
  4. ** What made Said write his book Culture and Imperialism?
  5. *** How does Said show culture as an instrument of imperialism?
  6. ** What nature of western imperialism is highlighted by E. Said?

The Rise of English

  1. *** Discuss the prose style of Terry Eagleton.
  2. ** How does Terry Eagleton link the rise of English to the crisis in modern civilization?
  3. *** Discuss how the Rise of English is connected with the growth and consolidation of Imperialism.
  4. Describe the development of English based on Terry’s The Rise of English.
  5. How does Terry Eagleton evaluate the achievement of the Scrutiny Movement?

Question of Past Exam- 2020

Literary Critiicsm exam 2020 2
Literary Critiicsm exam 2020 1

4th Final Exam- 2020

  1. Discuss Arnold’s views on the features of good poetry
  2. What is the touchstone method? discuss its merits & demerits
  3. Discuss Mathew Arnold as a Critic
  4. Why does Eliot praise Donne’s capability to unify the intellectual thoughts and sensation of feelings?
  5. How does Eliot refute Johnson’s remark on the metaphysical poets?
  6. Discuss Eliot’s distinguish between ‘unification of sensibility’ and ‘dissociation of sensibility’.
  7. Discuss the role of the English novels in perpetuating imperial rule.
  8. Discuss ‘Conrad is both- imperialist and anti-imperialist’ as mentioned by Edward Said.
  9. What is contrapuntal reading and why it is recommended by Edward Said?
  10. Discuss the prose style of Terry Eagleton.
  11. Discuss Terry Eagleton’s views on Romanticism.
  12. How does Terry Eagleton link the rise of English to the crisis in modern civilization?