3rd Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা ২০২5 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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@ জুমে লাইভ ক্লাস হয়।
@ লেকচার শিট + হ্যান্ড নোট্স পাবে
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@ শনি-সোম-বুধ, রাত 8.30-9.30 টা
@ ক্লাস রেকর্ড করে গ্রুপে শেয়ার করা হয়।
@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।
Part – C
- *** Discuss the major themes/slavery/anti-colonialism in Oroonoko.
- *** Discuss the narrative style of Oroonoko
- Discuss the character of Oroonoko.
Robinson Crusoe
- *** Discuss the theme of sin, punishment, and repentance in Robinson Crusoe.
- *** Discuss Robinson Crusoe is a truthful presentation of human life.
- *** Discuss the allegorical significance found in Robinson Crusoe.
- Discuss the theme of Commerce in Robinson Crusoe/ Crusoe is an economic man.
- Discuss the significant role/character/purpose of Friday.
Tom Jones
- *** Discuss Tom Jones as a picaresque novel.
- *** Discuss the contemporary society depicted in Tom Jones.
- *** Comment on the theme/parentage of Tom Jones.
- Discuss the character of Tom Jones.
Gulliver’s Travels
- *** Discuss Swift’s use of Lemuel Gulliver as a narrator and an observer.
- *** Discuss Swift’s satire on science from Gulliver’s Travels.
- *** Discuss the satire on politics from Gulliver’s Travels
Part- B
- Write a short note on Oroonoko.
- How did Oroonoko plan for a slave revolt?
- Why did Caesar Surrender to Byam?
- How did Imoinda, Oroonoko, and Caesar die?
- Describe the significance of Oroonoko’s death.
- Describe the horror of slavery in Oroonoko.
- Describe the relationship between the natives and the British.
- How does Behn add an aristocratic touch to Oroonoko?
- How does Oroonoko turn into a slave of a Prince?
- How does Aphra Ben describe the native people of Surinam?
- Why does Oroonoko take up arms again?
- What is the significance of Oroonoko’s slave name?
- How does Oroonoko encounter the numb eel?
- Write a note on Byam and his council.
Robinson Crusoe
- Discuss the birth and parentage of Robinson Crusoe.
- How did Crusoe become a slave from a merchant?
- How does he escape from his state of slavery?
- How did the shipwreck happen?
- Describe how Crusoe produced corn in the deserted island?
- How did Crusoe build a habitual on the Island?
- How did Crusoe approach God for his sin of disobedience?
- How did God respond to Crusoe’s prayer?
- How did Crusoe depart the island?
- How did Crusoe reach England?
- How did Friday make a new boat to escape with Crusoe?
- Write a note on the humor and pathos found in Robinson Crusoe.
- How does Crusoe attack the savage and rescue the Europeans?
- How did Crusoe’s dream of a savage come true?
Tom Jones
- How did Tom get shelter in Allowrthy’s house?
- Write a note on Allworthy and his sister.
- How did Tom help Black George’s family in distress?
- Write a note about Sophia Western.
- What happened when Allworthy became ill?
- Why did Sophia faint to see Tom in the field?
- How did Tom leave the house of Allworthy?
- How did Sophia flee from her father’s house?
- How was Tom Jones released from the Prison?
- How was Tom and Sophia united at last?
- What was Lady Bellaston’s plan against Sophia?
Gulliver’s Travels
- How did Gulliver reach the country of the Lilliput and Laputa?
- How was Gulliver searched in Lilliput?
- How was Gulliver taken to the capital city?
- What were the common features of people, animals, and trees in Lilliput?
- How did the king react to the proposal of producing gunpowder?
- How was the Queen impressed by Gulliver during their meeting?
- Why did Gulliver react after meeting with his own family?
- Why did Gulliver want to leave Laputa?
- Write a short note on Houyhnhnms.
- How was Gulliver fed by the Lilliputians?
- What do you know about the Flying Island?
- Write a note on the Academy of Projectors in Lagado.
- How was the nature of the inhabitants of Laputa?
Previous Questions
Question of 2022

Question of 2021

Question of 2020

NB: নিচের সাজেশানটা আগের বছরের। উপরেরটা তোমাদের।
Part – C
- Discuss the major themes/anti-colonialism in Oroonoko.
- Discuss the character of Oronnoko.
- Discuss the narrative style of Oroonoko.
- Discuss the theme of sin, punishment, and repentance in Robinson Crusoe.
- Discuss the spiritual regeneration of Robinson Crusoe.
- Discuss the theme of Commerce in Robinson Crusoe.
- Discuss Robinson Crusoe is a truthful presentation of human life.
- Discuss Henry Fielding’s art of characterization.
- Discuss the character of Tom Jones.
- Discuss the major themes/concept of morality and sexuality in Tom Jones.
- Discuss Swift’s use of Lemuel Gulliver as a narrator and an observer.
- Discuss whether Jonathan Swift is a misanthropist or humanist in this novel.
- Discuss the satire on politics from Gulliver’s Travels.
Part- B
- Write a short note on Oroonoko.
- How does Oroonoko fall in love with Imoinda?
- Why Oroonoko tale up his arms again?
- How did Oroonoko plan for a slave revolt?
- Why did Caesar Surrender to Byam?
- How did Imoinda and Caesar die?
- Describe the horror of slavery in Oroonoko.
- Discuss the birth and parentage of Robinson Crusoe.
- How did Crusoe become a slave from a merchant?
- How did the shipwreck happen?
- How did Crusoe build a habitual on the Island?
- How did Crusoe produce corn on the deserted island?
- Write a note on footprint episode in Robinson Crusoe.
- How did Crusoe approach God for his sin of disobedience?
- How did Crusoe keep a note of his passing days on the island?
- How did Crusoe depart the island?
- How did Crusoe reach England?
- How did Tom get shelter in Allowrthy’s house?
- What discovery was made about the parentage of Tom?
- How did Tom help Black George’s family in distress?
- How was Tom Jones imprisoned?
- How were Tom and Sophia united at last?
- How did Gulliver reach the country of the Lilliput?
- How was Gulliver searched in Lilliput?
- How was Gulliver fed by the Lilliputians?
- What were the common features of people, animals, and trees in Lilliput?
- Who were the Big Endians and Little Endians?
- How did the King of Brobdingnag receive Gulliver?
- Why did Gulliver react after meeting with his own family?
- Why did Gulliver want to leave Laputa?
- Write a short note on Houyhnhnms.
Previous Suggestion
For the 3rd Year 2020
- Discuss the theme of anti-colonialism in Oroonoko.
- Discuss the character of Imoinda. [got common]
- Discuss the theme of sin, punishment, and repentance in Robinson Crusoe.
- Discuss the spiritual regeneration of Robinson Crusoe.
- Discuss the theme of Commerce in Robinson Crusoe.
- Discuss Henry Fielding’s art of characterization.
- Discuss the contemporary society depicted in Tom Jones. [got common]
- Discuss how Swift satellite science in Gulliver’s Travels. [got common]
- Discuss and compare the king of Lilliput and the king of Brobdingnag. [got common]
- Discuss Swift’s use of Lemuel Gulliver as a narrator and an observer
Suggestion for 3rd year 2019 | Restoraiton and 18th century Fiction | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture