Romantic Poetry Suggestion: 2nd Year Final Exam- 2023

The exam will be held in 2024 (এটা ২০২৪ সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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@ জুমে লাইভ ক্লাস হয়।
@ সপ্তাহে ৩ দিন ১ ঘণ্টা করে পড়ান হয়।
@ রবি-মঙ্গল-ব্রিহস্পতি, রাত 8.00-9.00 টা
@ ক্লাস মিস করলেও সমস্যা নেই, ক্লাস রেকর্ড করে প্রাইভেট গ্রুপে শেয়ার করা হয়।
@ আগের হয়ে যাওয়া বা মিস করা সব ক্লাস গ্রুপেই পাবে।
@ হ্যান্ড নোট্‌স, লেকচার শিট, সাজেশান সবই দেয়া হয়।
@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।


Part – C (ব্রড প্রশ্ন)

William Blake

  1. *** Discuss Blake’s use of symbolism.
  2. *** Discuss the mysticism/mystic elements found in Songs of Innocence and Experience.
  3. How does Blake represent two contrary states of human soul?

William Wordsworth

  1. *** Discuss the theme of loss and recompense in Immortality Ode.
  2. *** Discuss Wordsworth’s attitude to/glorification/treatment of childhood.
  3. What are the three stages of growth mentioned in Tintern Abbey?

S. T. Coleridge

  1. *** Discuss the supernatural elements/mingling of natural and supernatural elements in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.
  2. *** Discuss “Kubla Khan” is a poem about the poetic creation/product of sheer fancy/romantic elements/imageries.

Lord Byron

  1. *** Comment on the character of Don Juan/Don Juan as a Byronic hero
  2. *** Comment on the women character in Don Juan
  3. Discuss Byron as a revolutionary poet and a poet of freedom.

P. B. Shelley

  1. *** Discuss Shelley’s use of imagery/images in “To a Skylark”.
  2. *** How does Shelley idealize the bird Skylark?
  3. Discuss Shelley’s treatment of nature in Adonais.
  4. Bring out the romantic elements in Adonais.

John Keats

  1. *** Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his odes.
  2. *** Finds out the beauty and sensuous elements in Keats’ poems.
  3. Compare and contrast the two worlds- real and imaginative from Ode to a Nightingale. / Comment on Keats’ escapism in the light of his poems.
  4. *** How does Keats establish the supremacy of art over life.

Part- B (শর্ট প্রশ্ন)

William Blake

  1. Why is Blake called the precursor of romanticism?
  2. Comment on the irony in Holy Thursday/The Chimney Sweeper.
  3. What do we learn from the songs of Innocence and Experience?
  4. Describe the conditions of the chimney sweepers.
  5. How the Lamb, Child, Christ, and God are connected?
  6. What does Blake satirize in the Holy Thursday?
  7. How does Blake satirize the society in London?
  8. Make a comparative note on the songs of Innocence and Experience.
  9. Write the difference between the Lanb and Tiger.
  10. Who is the creator of Lamb and Tiger?
  11. Compare and contrast two nurses in Blacke’s poem.

William Wordsworth

  1. What Losses and Gains does the poet refer to in Tintern Abbey?
  2. What is an Ode?
  3. Who is Dorothy?
  4. What is Pantheism?
  5. What does Abraham Bossom refer to?
  6. Discuss the treatment of childhood in Immortality Ode.
  7. Discuss Wordsworth’s idea of immortality.
  8. Discuss the condition of London.
  9. Why does Wordsworth request Milton to return to England?
  10. Discuss the father and daughter relationship.
  11. Write a note on Lucy or Lucy poems.
  12. How does Wordsworth advise his sister in Tintern Abbey?
  13. Nature never did betray the heart who loves her- Explain
  14. What is the pre-natal experience of the human soul?

S. T. Coleridge

  1. What is a ballad?/ Write a short note on the ballad.
  2. What is an allegory?
  3. Write a short note on Supernaturalism.
  4. Describe the sufferings of the Ancient Mariner.
  5. Discuss The Rime of the Ancient Mariner as a ballad.
  6. Discuss The Rime of the Ancient Mariner as an allegory.
  7. What lesson did the sailor learn from his last journey?
  8. Discuss the significance of Death and Life-in-Death in Rime of Ancient Mariner.
  9. How did the sailor get relieved from his curse?
  10. Make a short note on wedding guests.
  11. Bring out the symbols in Kubla Khan.
  12. Describe the imaginary palace in Kubla Khan.
  13. Bring out the romantic elements from Kubla Khan.
  14. Describe the Spectre Ship
  15. Why did the old sailor kill the Albatross?

Lord Byron

  1. Discuss Byron as a satirist.
  2. What is the poetic license?
  3. Why Byron is called a romantic paradox?
  4. What do you know about the education of Donna Inez?
  5. Make a note on Donna Julia.
  6. What do you know about Julia’s parentage?
  7. Why did Alfonso search the room of Julia?
  8. What are the features of Don Juan’s character?
  9. Write the theme of Don Juan Canto I.
  10. Make a note on Byronic Hero.
  11. Discuss Byron as a revolutionary poet and a poet of freedom.

P. B. Shelley

  1. Discuss the similes used in To a Skylark.
  2. What request does the poet make to Skylark?
  3. Why is skylark’s song so perfect?
  4. What does the skylark symbolize?
  5. How does shelly glorify/idealize the skylark?
  6. Discuss the myth of Adonais.
  7. How does Shelley curse the critics of Keats?
  8. Why does Shelley compare himself to Actaeon?
  9. What do you know about the fate of Shelley reflected in Adonais?
  10. Bring out the romantic elements in Adonais.
  11. Why does Shelley forbid men to mourn for Adonais?

John Keats

  1. Point out Keats’ Hellenism in Ode to a Grecian Urn.
  2. Write a note on the negative capabilities of Keats.
  3. Discuss Melancholy’s relation with beauty and joy.
  4. How does Keats establish the supremacy of Urn over earthly things?
  5. What do you know about the Grecian Urn?
  6. What is the effect of the songs of the Nightingale on the poet?
  7. Write a short note on Keats’ sensuousness in Ode to Nightingale.
  8. Do you think Keats is an escapist?
  9. What are the pictures depicted on the Urn?
  10. Analyze Keats’ concept of beauty and truth in Ode to Grecian Urn.
  11. What is the feelings of Keats after reading Chapman’s Homer?

Question of 2022/ গত এক্সামের প্রশ্ন এটা (এখান থেকে তোমাদের অর্থাৎ ২৩ সালের এক্সামে কমন আসবে না)

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Romantic Poetry 22 2.jpg

Question of 2021/ গত এক্সামের প্রশ্ন এটা (এখান থেকে তোমাদের অর্থাৎ ২২ সালের এক্সামে কমন আসবে না)

Suggestion of 2021 (নিচের সাজেশানের এক্সাম হয়ে গেছে। ২২ এর সাজেশান উপরের টা)

Question of 2020

For the 2nd Year Final Exam- 2020


  1. Comment on Blake’s treatment of childhood with reference to his poems.
  2. Write an essay/note on Blake’s symbolism.
  3. What are the three stages of growth that Wordsworth refers to in “Tintern Abbey”?
  4. Comment on the treatment of nature in Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”.
  5. Discuss the theme of loss and recompense in Immortality Ode.
  6. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “London – 1802”.
  7. “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is an allegory of crime, punishment, and redemption” — Discuss.
  8. Discuss “Kubla Khan” is a poem about the poetic creation/product of sheer fancy.
  9. How does Byron satirize the idea of conventional love and marriage?
  10. Discuss “Adonais” as a pastoral elegy.
  11. Discuss Shelley’s use of imagery in “To a Skylark”.
  12. Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his odes.
  13. How has Keats established the supremacy of art over life in ” Ode on a Grecian Urn”?
  14. Evaluate John Keats as a poet of beauty and sensuousness.

Suggestion that I gave previous years

Suggestion of Romantic Poetry 2019

Suggestion of Romantic Poetry- 2018

  1. How Blake’s poems draw the two contrary states of the human soul? Discuss.
  2. Discuss symbolism in Blake’s poem.
  3. Comment on Blake’s treatment of childhood in his poems.
  4. Discuss Wordsworth’s treatment of nature/human relationship with nature/stages of growth in Tintern Abbey.
  5. Discuss the theme of loss and gain in Immortality Ode.
  6. Discuss The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a poem of Crime, Punishment, and redemption.
  7. Find out the romantic elements in Kubla Khan.
  8. Discuss Don Juan as a Social Satire.
  9. Discuss Don Juan as a Byronic Hero.
  10. How does Shelley Idealize Skylark?
  11. Discuss Adonais as a Pastoral Elegy.
  12. Discuss John Keats as a poet of Beauty and Sensuousness.
  13. How does Keats establish the supremacy of art over life in his poems?
  14. Comment on Keats’ escapism in the light of his poems.