3rd Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা ২০২5 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।
Part – C
Alfred Lord Tennyson
- *** How does Tennyson handle myth and legend in his poetry?
- *** Write the critical appreciation of the poem The Lotos Eaters.
- *** Comment on the romantic elements in Tennyson’s poems.
Robert Browning
- *** Discuss Browning’s Philosophy of life/ Browning as an optimist.
- *** Discuss Browning’s attitude to art and life.
- *** Discuss the Renaissance elements in Browning’s poems.
- Write the critical appreciation of the poem My Last Duchess.
Mathew Arnold
- *** Comment on Arnold’s treatment of nature.
- *** Evaluate The Scholar Gipsy as a pastoral elegy.
- *** Write the critical appreciation of the poem Dover Beach.
- Discuss Thyrsis as an elegy.
G M Hopkins
- *** Discuss critically Felix Randal as a sonnet.
- *** Discuss Hopkins’ appreciation/treatment of nature
- *** Comment on the imagery used in Hopkins poems.
- Comment on the romantic elements in Hopkins poems.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Locksley Hall
- Why did the speaker of the poem Locksley Hall fail to marry his beloved
- What is the glass of Time?
- How does Tennyson denounce the materialism of his age in Locksley Hall?
- How does Tennyson satirize the Victorian age in Lockley Hall?
- What is Tennyson’s opinion about knowledge and wisdom?
- What picture of a futuristic world does Tennyson depict in his poem Locksley Hall?
The Lotos Eaters
- Why does it seem always afternoon in the land of the Lotos Eaters?
- Give a pen picture of the Lotos land?
- What is the effect of the Lotos on the sailors?
- How do the mariners contrast their toilsome life with the processes of Nature?
- Why is Oenone in a sad mood?
- Can Oenone be termed as dramatic monologue?
- What is the moral of the poem Oenone?
- Why did Peris accept the offer of Aphrodite?
- What symbolism does the poem Oenone bear in general?
- What is the fault of Oenone?
- Is Oenone an innocent victim of fate?
- What is Tennyson’s analysis about life of his time described in Oenone?
- What is dramatic monologue?
- How does Tithonus fall into the genre of dramatic monologue?
- What is the effect of the poet addressing Aurora, who does not speak?
- What are the speaker’s melancholic reflections on change leading to despair?
- Do you think that the poem Tithonus is a realization of a long and meaningless future after Hallam’s death?
- How does Tithonus idealize morality?
Robert Browning
Andrea del Sarto
- How did Andrea embezzle the money of the King of France?
- Describe the character of Lucrezia.
- Describe the reason of failure of Andrea as a painter.
- How does Andrea blame his wife, Lucrezia?
- How is Andrea’s art different from that of Raphel?
- Describe Andrea as a faultless painter.
- Why does Andrea consider himself a failure as an artist?
- How does Browning deal with art and artist’s life in Andrea del Sarto?
- How does Andrea criticize the contemporary style of Renaissance art?
- Andrea del Sarto is a poem of marital tragedy- describe.
- What philosophy of life do you find in Andrea del Sarto?
Fra Lippo Lippi
- Describe the central theme of Fra Lippo Lippi.
- What kind of paintings had Fra Lippo Lippi’s monastic superiors wished him to paint?
- Describe Browning’s attacks on idealized art in Fra Lippo Lippi.
- Describe Browning’s use of irony in Fra Lippo Lippi.
- How does Browning treat love in Fra Lippo Lippi?
- Does the author seem to believe that the moral qualities of an artist’s life and work are related?
- Write about Fra Lippo Lippi’s early life.
The Last Ride Together
- How does the lover rationalize his rejection by his ladylove?
- Why does the lover claims that his achievement is greater than that of a poet?
- Why does the lover consider himself superior to the sculptor?
- Comment on the ending of the poem The Last Ride Together.
- Comment on the tile of the poem The Last Ride Together.
My Last Duchess
- Trace the elements of aristocratic life in My Last Duchess.
- Describe women’s role and identity in Browning’s My Last Duchess.
- Point out the Victorian make dominion over the Victorian women as you find in My Last Duchess.
- Describe Browning’s attitude to art and artists as expressed in My Last Duchess.
- How is the duke presented in My Last Duchess?
Mathew Arnold
The Scholar Gipsy
- What is pastoral elegy?
- Discuss The Scholar Gipsy as a pastoral elegy.
- How does Arnold present a contrast between the life of the Scholar Gipsy and modern man?
- Describe Arnold’s theory of poetry as criticism of life.
- Discuss Arnold’s criticism of life in The Scholar Gipsy.
- Describe the legend of ‘The Scholar Gipsy’.
- With what vision did the scholar Gipsy leave the university?
Dover Beach
- What sensory image do you find in Dover Beach?
- Write a short note on Sophocles.
- Why does Arnold refer to Sophocles?
- Describe the image of the sea in Dover Beach.
- Describe the importance of the elm-tree in the lives of Arnold and his friend.
- Comment on the ending of the poem Thyrsis.
- What is Arnold’s view about Truth?
- Discuss the note of pessimism as reflected in Arnold’s Thyrsis.
G M Hopkins
- Write a summary of the poem Pied Beauty.
- Write a summary of the poem The Windhover.
- Discuss the main theme of the poem The Windhover.
- The poem Spring and Fall is more about spirituality than nature- discuss.
- Write a note on the shadow of grief in the poem Spring and Fall.
- What kind of joy did Hopkins feel when he prayed for the blacksmith?
- What is the significance of the title Spring and Fall?
- How can the bird be the mirror of Christ?
- What biblical reference is made in the poem Spring and Fall?
- Why was Hopkins grateful to God for His creations of dappled things?
- How does the poem Felix Randal a priestly meditation on a parishioner’s death?
- Why was Margaret shocked in Spring and Fall?
- How is the poem a rule of God all through?
- What is a Curtal sonnet?
Previous Questions
Question of 2022

Question of 2021

Question of 2020

NB: নিচের সাজেশানটা আগের বছরের। উপরেরটা তোমাদের।
Part – C
- Find out the Pictorial Qualities in Tennyson’s poetry
- How does Tennyson handle myth and legend in his poetry?
- Discuss Tennyson as a representative poet of victorian age/victorian elements in his poems
- Discuss Browning’s Philosophy of life/optimism.
- What is Dramatic Monologue? Discuss Robert Browning’s poems are dramatic monologues.
- Comment on Arnold’s personal/sad elements/elegiac notes in his poems.
- Discuss Arnold’s poverty as a criticism of life.
- Scholar Gipsy is a pastoral elegy-discuss
- Critical Appreciation/sonnet/imagery of Felix Randal
- Pied beauty is a religious poem- discuss
- Why did the speaker of the poem ” Locksley Hall” fail to marry his beloved?
- What optimistic belief of Tennyson do you find in the poem ” Locksley Hall”?
- Describe the land of the Lotos Eaters.
- Why is Oenone in a sad mood?
- How does Tennyson satirize the Victorian age in “Locksley Hall”?
- What is the effect of the lotos on the sailors?
- Write a note on Oenone.
- Define Victorian Compromise?
- What does ” Tithonus ” fall into the genre of dramatic monologue?
- Describe Andrea del Sarto as a faultless painter.
- What philosophy of life do you find in ” Andrea del Sarto “?
- Write what you know about Fra Lippo Lippi’s life.
- What do you know about Fra Lippo Lippi’s early life?
- Comment on the title of the poem, ” The Last Ride Together”.
- Discuss “The Scholar Gipsy ” as a pastoral elegy.
- Describe, in brief, the legend of ” The Scholar Gipsy “.
- What sensory image do you find in ” Dover Beach “?
- What is the poem ” Dover Beach ” about?
- Discuss Arnold’s theme of the transitoriness and the permanence of Nature in “Thyrsis”?
- What is Arnold’s view about Truth?
- Write a short note on ‘Modern People’ in Arnold’s “The Scholar Gipsy”.
- What is pastoral elegy?
- Describe the image of the sea in ” Dover Beach”.
- The poem ” Spring and Fall” is more about spirituality than nature ‘ — Discuss.
- Write a summary of the poem ” Pied Beauty “.
- What Biblical reference is made in ” Spring and Fall”?
- Write a short note on the shadow of grief in the poem ” Spring and Fall”.
- What kind of joy did Hopkins feel when he prayed for the Blacksmith?
- Give the substance of the poem “The Windhover”.
- Write a summary of the poem “Pied Beauty”.
- What biblical reference is made in the poem ” Spring and Fall”?
Question of 2020, Last Exam, Previous Exam
Final Exam – 2020
Part- C
- Find out the Pictorial Qualities in Tennyson’s poetry
- How does Tennyson handle myth and legend?
- Discuss Browning’s Philosophy of life
- Discuss Robert Browning’s attitude to art and life
- Write a critical appreciation of Dover Beach
- Comment on Arnold’s treatment of nature.
- Comment on Arnold’s personal/sad elements in his poems.
- Critical Appreciation of Felix Randal
- Comment on Hopkin’s use of symbolism
- Discuss Hopkin’s treatment of nature
What I suggested for the last exam- Links below
Suggestion For 3rd Year 2019 | Victorian Poetry | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture
ভাল পরিক্ষা দিয়েও কেন মার্কস পাই না? | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture
How to write Critical Appreciation of any poem? | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture
How to read a poem/prose/novel/drama | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture