Suggestion of Victorian Poetry

3rd Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা ২০২5 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

Suggestion of Victorian Poetry

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@ জুমে লাইভ ক্লাস হয়।
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@ শনি-সোম-বুধ, রাত 8.30-9.30 টা
@ ক্লাস রেকর্ড করে গ্রুপে শেয়ার করা হয়।
@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।


Part – C

Alfred Lord Tennyson

  1. *** How does Tennyson handle myth and legend in his poetry?
  2. *** Write the critical appreciation of the poem The Lotos Eaters.
  3. *** Comment on the romantic elements in Tennyson’s poems.

Robert Browning

  1. *** Discuss Browning’s Philosophy of life/ Browning as an optimist.
  2. *** Discuss Browning’s attitude to art and life.
  3. *** Discuss the Renaissance elements in Browning’s poems.
  4. Write the critical appreciation of the poem My Last Duchess.

Mathew Arnold

  1. *** Comment on Arnold’s treatment of nature.
  2. *** Evaluate The Scholar Gipsy as a pastoral elegy.
  3. *** Write the critical appreciation of the poem Dover Beach.
  4. Discuss Thyrsis as an elegy.

G M Hopkins

  1. *** Discuss critically Felix Randal as a sonnet.
  2. *** Discuss Hopkins’ appreciation/treatment of nature
  3. *** Comment on the imagery used in Hopkins poems.
  4. Comment on the romantic elements in Hopkins poems.



Alfred Lord Tennyson

Locksley Hall

  1. Why did the speaker of the poem Locksley Hall fail to marry his beloved
  2. What is the glass of Time?
  3. How does Tennyson denounce the materialism of his age in Locksley Hall?
  4. How does Tennyson satirize the Victorian age in Lockley Hall?
  5. What is Tennyson’s opinion about knowledge and wisdom?
  6. What picture of a futuristic world does Tennyson depict in his poem Locksley Hall?

The Lotos Eaters

  1. Why does it seem always afternoon in the land of the Lotos Eaters?
  2. Give a pen picture of the Lotos land?
  3. What is the effect of the Lotos on the sailors?
  4. How do the mariners contrast their toilsome life with the processes of Nature?


  1. Why is Oenone in a sad mood?
  2. Can Oenone be termed as dramatic monologue?
  3. What is the moral of the poem Oenone?
  4. Why did Peris accept the offer of Aphrodite?
  5. What symbolism does the poem Oenone bear in general?
  6. What is the fault of Oenone?
  7. Is Oenone an innocent victim of fate?
  8. What is Tennyson’s analysis about life of his time described in Oenone?


  1. What is dramatic monologue?
  2. How does Tithonus fall into the genre of dramatic monologue?
  3. What is the effect of the poet addressing Aurora, who does not speak?
  4. What are the speaker’s melancholic reflections on change leading to despair?
  5. Do you think that the poem Tithonus is a realization of a long and meaningless future after Hallam’s death?
  6. How does Tithonus idealize morality?

Robert Browning

Andrea del Sarto

  1. How did Andrea embezzle the money of the King of France?
  2. Describe the character of Lucrezia.
  3. Describe the reason of failure of Andrea as a painter.
  4. How does Andrea blame his wife, Lucrezia?
  5. How is Andrea’s art different from that of Raphel?
  6. Describe Andrea as a faultless painter.
  7. Why does Andrea consider himself a failure as an artist?
  8. How does Browning deal with art and artist’s life in Andrea del Sarto?
  9. How does Andrea criticize the contemporary style of Renaissance art?
  10. Andrea del Sarto is a poem of marital tragedy- describe.
  11. What philosophy of life do you find in Andrea del Sarto?

Fra Lippo Lippi

  1. Describe the central theme of Fra Lippo Lippi.
  2. What kind of paintings had Fra Lippo Lippi’s monastic superiors wished him to paint?
  3. Describe Browning’s attacks on idealized art in Fra Lippo Lippi.
  4. Describe Browning’s use of irony in Fra Lippo Lippi.
  5. How does Browning treat love in Fra Lippo Lippi?
  6. Does the author seem to believe that the moral qualities of an artist’s life and work are related?
  7. Write about Fra Lippo Lippi’s early life.

The Last Ride Together

  1. How does the lover rationalize his rejection by his ladylove?
  2. Why does the lover claims that his achievement is greater than that of a poet?
  3. Why does the lover consider himself superior to the sculptor?
  4. Comment on the ending of the poem The Last Ride Together.
  5. Comment on the tile of the poem The Last Ride Together.

My Last Duchess

  1. Trace the elements of aristocratic life in My Last Duchess.
  2. Describe women’s role and identity in Browning’s My Last Duchess.
  3. Point out the Victorian make dominion over the Victorian women as you find in My Last Duchess.
  4. Describe Browning’s attitude to art and artists as expressed in My Last Duchess.
  5. How is the duke presented in My Last Duchess?

Mathew Arnold

The Scholar Gipsy

  1. What is pastoral elegy?
  2. Discuss The Scholar Gipsy as a pastoral elegy.
  3. How does Arnold present a contrast between the life of the Scholar Gipsy and modern man?
  4. Describe Arnold’s theory of poetry as criticism of life.
  5. Discuss Arnold’s criticism of life in The Scholar Gipsy.
  6. Describe the legend of ‘The Scholar Gipsy’.
  7. With what vision did the scholar Gipsy leave the university?

Dover Beach

  1. What sensory image do you find in Dover Beach?
  2. Write a short note on Sophocles.
  3. Why does Arnold refer to Sophocles?
  4. Describe the image of the sea in Dover Beach.


  1. Describe the importance of the elm-tree in the lives of Arnold and his friend.
  2. Comment on the ending of the poem Thyrsis.
  3. What is Arnold’s view about Truth?
  4. Discuss the note of pessimism as reflected in Arnold’s Thyrsis.

G M Hopkins

  1. Write a summary of the poem Pied Beauty.
  2. Write a summary of the poem The Windhover.
  3. Discuss the main theme of the poem The Windhover.
  4. The poem Spring and Fall is more about spirituality than nature- discuss.
  5. Write a note on the shadow of grief in the poem Spring and Fall.
  6. What kind of joy did Hopkins feel when he prayed for the blacksmith?
  7. What is the significance of the title Spring and Fall?
  8. How can the bird be the mirror of Christ?
  9. What biblical reference is made in the poem Spring and Fall?
  10. Why was Hopkins grateful to God for His creations of dappled things?
  11. How does the poem Felix Randal a priestly meditation on a parishioner’s death?
  12. Why was Margaret shocked in Spring and Fall?
  13. How is the poem a rule of God all through?
  14. What is a Curtal sonnet?

Previous Questions

Question of 2022

Victorian poetry 1
Victorian poetry 2

Question of 2021

Victorian Poetry 1
Victorian Poetry 2

Question of 2020

NB: নিচের সাজেশানটা আগের বছরের। উপরেরটা তোমাদের।

Part – C

  1. Find out the Pictorial Qualities in Tennyson’s poetry
  2. How does Tennyson handle myth and legend in his poetry?
  3. Discuss Tennyson as a representative poet of victorian age/victorian elements in his poems

  1. Discuss Browning’s Philosophy of life/optimism.
  2. What is Dramatic Monologue? Discuss Robert Browning’s poems are dramatic monologues.

  1. Comment on Arnold’s personal/sad elements/elegiac notes in his poems.
  2. Discuss Arnold’s poverty as a criticism of life.
  3. Scholar Gipsy is a pastoral elegy-discuss

  1. Critical Appreciation/sonnet/imagery of Felix Randal
  2. Pied beauty is a religious poem- discuss


  1. Why did the speaker of the poem ” Locksley Hall” fail to marry his beloved?
  2. What optimistic belief of Tennyson do you find in the poem ” Locksley Hall”?
  3. Describe the land of the Lotos Eaters.
  4. Why is Oenone in a sad mood?
  5. How does Tennyson satirize the Victorian age in “Locksley Hall”?
  6. What is the effect of the lotos on the sailors?
  7. Write a note on Oenone.
  8. Define Victorian Compromise?
  9. What does ” Tithonus ” fall into the genre of dramatic monologue?
  10. Describe Andrea del Sarto as a faultless painter.
  11. What philosophy of life do you find in ” Andrea del Sarto “?
  12. Write what you know about Fra Lippo Lippi’s life.
  13. What do you know about Fra Lippo Lippi’s early life?
  14. Comment on the title of the poem, ” The Last Ride Together”.
  15. Discuss “The Scholar Gipsy ” as a pastoral elegy.
  16. Describe, in brief, the legend of ” The Scholar Gipsy “.
  17. What sensory image do you find in ” Dover Beach “?
  18. What is the poem ” Dover Beach ” about?
  19. Discuss Arnold’s theme of the transitoriness and the permanence of Nature in “Thyrsis”?
  20. What is Arnold’s view about Truth?
  21. Write a short note on ‘Modern People’ in Arnold’s “The Scholar Gipsy”.
  22. What is pastoral elegy?
  23. Describe the image of the sea in ” Dover Beach”.
  24. The poem ” Spring and Fall” is more about spirituality than nature ‘ — Discuss.
  25. Write a summary of the poem ” Pied Beauty “.
  26. What Biblical reference is made in ” Spring and Fall”?
  27. Write a short note on the shadow of grief in the poem ” Spring and Fall”.
  28. What kind of joy did Hopkins feel when he prayed for the Blacksmith?
  29. Give the substance of the poem “The Windhover”.
  30. Write a summary of the poem “Pied Beauty”.
  31. What biblical reference is made in the poem ” Spring and Fall”?

Question of 2020, Last Exam, Previous Exam

Final Exam – 2020

Part- C

  1. Find out the Pictorial Qualities in Tennyson’s poetry
  2. How does Tennyson handle myth and legend?
  3. Discuss Browning’s Philosophy of life
  4. Discuss Robert Browning’s attitude to art and life
  5. Write a critical appreciation of Dover Beach
  6. Comment on Arnold’s treatment of nature.
  7. Comment on Arnold’s personal/sad elements in his poems.
  8. Critical Appreciation of Felix Randal
  9. Comment on Hopkin’s use of symbolism
  10. Discuss Hopkin’s treatment of nature

What I suggested for the last exam- Links below

Suggestion For 3rd Year 2019 | Victorian Poetry | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

ভাল পরিক্ষা দিয়েও কেন মার্কস পাই না? | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

How to write Critical Appreciation of any poem? | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

How to read a poem/prose/novel/drama | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture